309-2 Optional Practical Training

Title:  Optional Practical Training (OPT) 
Owner:  Executive Director, Registrar Operations and Academic Compliance, PDSO
Last Updated/Revised:  04/19/2021

Policy:  Optional Practical Training (OPT) is 12-month work authorization available to F-1 students who are seeking employment opportunities in their fields of study. This training opportunity gives students the ability to gain practical training in their field of study. This work authorization gives students the ability to work off-campus and can be extended during or after completion of their program: Pre- or Post-Completion OPT.

F-1 students at United States University must be in full-time F-1 status for at least one academic year to be eligible for OPT. Students must be seeking employment in the major field of study listed on their current Form I-20 and be completing their program of study at United States University. F-1 students must be physically present in the United States at the time of application to USCIS and not have used more than 1 year of full-time CPT during their current degree-level [part-time does not count]. Because OPT is based on your completion date, you do not have to be employed at the time of application.

Detailed information and instructions can be found in the Optional Practical Training Application.

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to set clear expectations of requirements for CPT as it relates to the iMBA program.

Scope: The scope of this policy applies to all international students enrolled in the iMBA program.

Document and Form(s):