Undergraduate Academic Standing Policy

The purpose of this policy is to define the minimum requirements for continued enrollment for undergraduate students. The policy applies to all Thomas Edison State University undergraduate students. Undergraduate financial aid recipients and students using military/veteran tuition assistance programs are required to meet the satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards established by the TESU Financial Aid Office, and/or the Office of Military and Veteran Education in addition to the standards established by this policy.

  • At the end of every term, each undergraduate student's TESU grade-point average (GPA) is reviewed to determine academic standing. There are four levels of academic standing: (I) satisfactory, (II) warning, (III) probation, and (IV) dismissal.
  • The Office of the Registrar will notify undergraduate students who are placed on academic warning or probation via email. Students who are academically dismissed will receive notification via email and regular U.S. Postal Service mail. In all cases, Academic Advising and the School in which the student is enrolled will be notified at the same time as the student in order to assist and advise students

Definitions of Levels of Academic Standing

  1. Satisfactory
    1. Satisfactory academic standing is awarded for a TESU GPA of 2.0 or higher.
  2. Warning
    1. A student whose TESU GPA is below 2.0 will be placed on academic warning. The student will remain on academic warning as long as the TESU GPA is below 2.0 and the term GPA is 2.0 or better.
    2. A student whose TESU GPA is below 2.0 for two consecutive terms will be placed on probation.
  3. Probation
    1. A student whose TESU GPA is below 2.0 for two consecutive terms, OR
    2. A student whose TESU GPA is below 2.0 AND whose term GPA is below 2.0
      • A student on probation whose term GPA is 2.0 or better but whose TESU GPA is below 2.0 will return to academic warning.
  4. Dismissal
    1. A student on probation whose term GPA is below 2.0 for two consecutive terms will be dismissed.
      • Regardless of TESU GPA, a student who has maintained a term GPA of 2.0 or better during a particular term will not be dismissed at the end of that term.
    2. Students academically dismissed from the University for the initial time will have a transcript notation of "Academic Dismissal." Students academically dismissed from the University for the second and final time will have a transcript notation of "Permanent Academic Dismissal."


Students who are academically dismissed are not eligible to register for any Thomas Edison State University credit bearing option until they have successfully petitioned for reinstatement.

  1. The Academic Dismissal transcript notation is removed once the reinstatement occurs.


From Policy:

The Office of the Registrar will notify undergraduate students who are placed on academic warning or probation via email. Students who are academically dismissed will receive notification via e-mail and regular US Mail. In all cases, Academic Advising and the School in which the student is enrolled will be notified at the same time as the student in order to assist and advise students.

  • Students who receive notice of Warning are strongly encouraged to make an appointment with an Academic Advisor to discuss how they might improve their academic performance.
  • Students who receive notice of Continued Warning will be required to meet with an Academic Advisor and plan an approach to improve their academic performance. A hold will be placed on their ability to register until this meeting takes place.
  • Students who receive notice of Probation will be contacted by an academic Dean of their school and be required to meet and plan an approach to improve their academic performance. A hold will be placed on their ability to register until this meeting takes place.
  • Students on Probation are limited to registering to no more than six (6) credits in a term.
  • A student who does not earn the minimum 2.0 GPA for two consecutive terms after being placed in academic probation is academically dismissed from the University and is notified by US mail and email.
  • A student who is academically dismissed from the university is not eligible to enroll until eligible for reinstatement.
  • A student may request reinstatement to the university after academic dismissal, but is not eligible for consideration for reinstatement for at least one year following the dismissal.
  • A Reinstatement Committee consisting of the Dean of the School from which the student was dismissed, the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the Senior Director for Academic Advising will review any request for reinstatement.
  • A student must provide written evidence to the committee that he/she is prepared and able to maintain satisfactory academic standing.
  • If the committee grants a reinstatement request, it may establish terms and conditions which promote the future academic success of the student.
  • If the committee denies a reinstatement request, the student may make a written appeal to the Office of the Provost within ten (10) business days. The Provost will respond within thirty (30) days with a final decision.
  • Students who are academically dismissed for a second time are not eligible for consideration for reinstatement.