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AAI - Applied Artificial Intelligence
ACC - Accounting
BIA - Business Intelligence and Analytics
BIO - Biology
BIOE - Bioengineering
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CE - Civil Engineering
CH - Chemistry
CHE - Chemical Engineering
CLK - Clark Scholars
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CPE - Computer Engineering
CS - Computer Science
CS 501
CS 503
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CS 506
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CS 511
CS 513
CS 514
CS 515
CS 516
CS 517
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CS 524
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CS 526
CS 532
CS 536
CS 537
CS 538
CS 539
CS 541
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CS 545
CS 546
CS 548
CS 549
CS 550
CS 553
CS 554
CS 555
CS 556
CS 557
CS 558
CS 559
CS 560
CS 561
CS 562
CS 566
CS 568
CS 569
CS 570
CS 571
CS 573
CS 574
CS 576
CS 577
CS 578
CS 579
CS 581
CS 582
CS 583
CS 584
CS 589
CS 590
CS 593
CS 594
CS 595
CS 596
CS 597
CS 598
DE - Developmental English
DS - Data Science
ECON Economics
EE - Electrical Engineering
ELC - English Language and Communication
EM - Engineering Management
EMT - Executive Management of Technology
EN - Environmental Engineering
ENGR - Interdepartmental Engineering
ES - Enterprise Systems
FA - Financial Analytics
FE - Financial Engineering
FIN - Finance
GEN - General Elective
HAR - Humanities/Art
HHS - Humanities/History
HLI - Humanities/Literature
HMU - Humanities/Music
HONR - Honor Program
HPL - Humanities/Philosophy
HSS - Humanities/Social Sciences
HST - Humanities Science and Technology Studies
HTH - Humanities/Theater
HUM - Humanities General
IPD - Integrated Product Development
ISE - Industrial and Systems Engineering
LCH - Language Chinese
LFR - Language French
LSP - Language Spanish
LTL LanguageItalian
MA - Mathematics
ME - Mechanical Engineering
MGT - Management
MIS - Information Systems
MT - Materials Engineering
NANO - Nanotechnology
NE - Naval Engineering
NIS - Networked Information Systems
OE - Ocean Engineering
PAE - Product Architecture and Engineering
PIN - Pinnacle Scholar
PME - Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
QF - Quantitative Finance
SES - Systems Engineering Security
SM - Sustainability Management
SOC - Service Oriented Computing
SSW - Software Engineering
SYS - Systems Engineering
TE Technical Elective
TG - Technogenesis
TM - Telecommunications Management
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2023-2024 Academic Catalog
CS - Computer Science
> 500
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CS 501
Introduction to JAVA Programming
CS 503
Discrete Mathematics for Cryptography
CS 505
Probability and Stochastic Processes I
CS 506
Introduction to IT Security
CS 510
Principles of Programming Languages
CS 511
Concurrent Programming
CS 513
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
CS 514
Computer Architecture
CS 515
Fundamentals of Computing
CS 516
Compiler Design and Implementation
CS 517
Quantum Information and Quantum Computation
CS 518
Quantum Networking and Security
CS 519
Distributed Commerce
CS 520
Introduction to Operating Systems
CS 521
TCP/IP Networking
CS 522
Mobile Systems and Applications
CS 524
Introduction to Cloud Computing
CS 525
Systems Programming
CS 526
Enterprise and Cloud Computing
CS 532
3D Computer Vision
CS 536
Integrated Services - Multimedia
CS 537
Interactive Computer Graphics
CS 538
Visual Analytics
CS 539
Real-Time Rendering, Gaming, and Simulations Programming
CS 541
Artificial Intelligence
CS 544
Health Informatics
CS 545
Human-Computer Interaction
CS 546
Web Programming
CS 548
Enterprise Software Architecture and Design
CS 549
Distributed Systems and Cloud Computing
CS 550
Computer Organization and Programming
CS 553
Introduction to Text Mining and Statistical Natural Language Processing
CS 554
Web Programming II
CS 555
Agile Methods for Software Development
CS 556
Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning
CS 557
Introduction to Natural Language Processing
CS 558
Computer Vision
CS 559
Machine Learning: Fundamentals and Applications
CS 560
Statistical Machine Learning
CS 561
Database Management Systems I
CS 562
Database Management Systems II
CS 566
Smartphone and Mobile Security
CS 568
Software Development Project I
CS 569
Software Development Project II
CS 570
Introduction to Programming, Data Structures, and Algorithms
CS 571
CS 573
Fundamentals of CyberSecurity
CS 574
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
CS 576
Systems Security
CS 577
Reverse Engineering and Application Analysis
CS 578
Privacy in a Networked World
CS 579
Foundations of Cryptography
CS 581
Online Social Networks
CS 582
Causal Inference
CS 583
Deep Learning
CS 584
Natural Language Processing
CS 589
Text Mining and Information Retrieval
CS 590
CS 593
Data Mining II: Advanced Algorithms for Mining Big Data
CS 594
Enterprise and Cloud Security
CS 595
Information Security and the Law
CS 596
Introduction to Windows Programming
CS 597
User Experience Design and Programming
CS 598
Visual Information Retrieval