Academic Standing: The status of a student’s academic progress, usually determined by the student’s Grade Point Average and other considerations.

Accepted: The Admissions Office has reviewed your application and status and has determined you are accepted to the College.

Admission: Approval for a student to attend SCTC. The admissions process begins when a student submits an application and required documentation.

Advised: You have met or talked with your program of study advisor or a member of the Career and Academic Planning Center and have discussed which classes you will take for the upcoming semester.

Advisor: An instructor in your program area or a member of the Career and Academic Planning Center.

Applied: Submitted your application for admission to the college. The admissions application can be completed online or by paper.

Attendance Policy: The policy set by SCTC, department or division, or individual instructor that states the maximum number of absences that a student may have in a class. SCTC’s attendance policy is stated in the student catalog and is also included on the syllabus for each class taken at SCTC.


BannerWeb: The College’s computer system for students to access their record. On BannerWeb you can register for your classes and view your schedule, financial aid information, tuition and fee charges, academic history, grades, etc.


Campus: The land and buildings that SCTC uses for instruction or student services. SCTC has campuses in Griffin and Thomaston, and centers in Butts, Henry, and Jasper.

Catalog: A complete guide to college policies and rules, graduation requirements, course descriptions, transfer requirements, and other essential information.

Certificate: An official document granted by SCTC indicating that a student has successfully completed specified courses and requirements for a program of study. Compare with diploma and degree, which usually require more time and coursework.

Class Schedule: The schedule of classes, course information, and section information (days, times, room numbers, etc.) available online. Class Schedule may also refer to the specific courses that a student is taking or plans to take for a specific semester.

Complete: Register for classes, attend the semester, and finish the semester.

Course Load: The total credit value of the courses that a student is currently enrolled in.

Credit: The unit of measurement for college course work. One credit hour represents one hour of classroom attendance each week, plus the homework, study time, etc. that go along with each course.

CRN (Course Reference Number): A five digit number used to identify each course section offered each semester.

Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA): grade point average calculated on all attempts at all credit courses taken at Southern Crescent Technical. It is recalculated after each semester to include the current semester’s grade(s). The cumulative grade point average does not include credits earned at other colleges, credits associated with learning support classes, credits earned through the credit-by-examination process, credits for which the college does not assign quality points, and courses otherwise excluded by college policy.


Degree: An official document granted by SCTC indicating that a student has successfully completed specified courses and requirements for a program of study. Compare with diploma and certificate, which usually require less time and coursework.

Diploma: An official document granted by SCTC indicating that a student has successfully completed specified courses and requirements for a program of study. Compare with degree, which usually requires more time and coursework, and certificate, which usually requires less time and coursework.

Distance Education: Classes offered in a non-traditional setting (see Hybrid Class; see Web Enhanced Class).

Drop: After registering for a class, if you decide you do not want to take the class, you have until the third day of the semester to drop (remove) the class from your schedule/record. You must drop a class through BannerWeb.


Early Alert System: College retention program (known as TEAMS at SCTC) in which instructors refer students who are experiencing difficulties that may hinder their performance at SCTC. Upon receiving the referral, a member of TEAMS will provide the appropriate assistance needed by the student

eCampus: The eCampus platform allows students from across Georgia to enroll in online courses offered by other Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) colleges, providing students access to program courses that may not be available during the current term at their home college. Upon completion of an eCampus course, the student will earn credit at their home college. The courses available via the eCampus platform are chosen to prepare students for in-demand career opportunities.

Email (Electronic Mail): A system for sending messages from an individual or business to another via telecommunications links between computers or terminals. Email can refer to the process of sending an email (i.e. “SCTC will email you information each semester.”) or the actual message itself (i.e. “You will receive an email from SCTC.”) Email is the official form of communication for SCTC. Each student is issued an email address and is encouraged to check email messages frequently throughout each semester.

Enroll: Register for classes


FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid): The application used to apply for financial aid benefits such as the Pell Grant and HOPE.

FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act): The legislation that ensures that each student’s educational and personal information is protected by educational institutions. Also referred to the Buckley Amendment.

Final: An exam/test given at the end of the semester. A final can cover all of the material covered in the class during the entire semester (cumulative) or can cover only the material covered after midterm (partial).

Financial Aid: Money available from various sources to help students pay for college expenses. Financial aid funds can come from grants or scholarships from the state or federal government or other organizations.

FSEOG (Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant): Provides aid to students with exceptional financial need and gives priority to students who receive Federal Pell Grants.

Full-Time Student: Normally, a student taking twelve or more credit hours in a semester.

FWS (Federal Work Study): The Federal Work-Study program provides part-time jobs for students with financial need who receive Federal Pell Grants, allowing them to earn money to help pay educational expenses.


GALILEO: Stands for GeorgiA LIbrary LEarning Online, an initiative of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia. A World Wide Web-based virtual library, GALILEO provides access to multiple information resources, including secured access to licensed products.

GCIS (Georgia Career Information System): Provides current and accurate occupational and educational information to schools and agencies throughout Georgia in order to help young people and adults make informed career choices.

GOAL (Georgia Occupational Award of Leadership): Nominated by their instructor, this program recognizes and rewards excellence among students enrolled in post- secondary technical colleges.

Grade: A formal indicator of a student’s overall performance in a specific course. Each grade is recorded on the student’s official transcript. SCTC’s grading system is A (90-100), B (80-89), C (70-79), D (60-69), and F (0-59).

Grade-Point Average (GPA): The GPA is calculated by multiplying the number value of the grade that a student earns in each course (A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0) by the number of credits for each course, then dividing the result by the total number of credits taken.

Graduation Grade Point Average (GGPA): grade point average is calculated only for those courses required for graduation. When a course is taken more than once, the final or highest grade will be used in calculating the grade point average for graduation. The GGPA does not include credits earned at other colleges, credits associated with learning support classes, credits earned through the credit-by-examination process, credits for which the college does not assign quality points, and courses otherwise excluded by college policy. A 2.0-grade point average is needed to graduate from Southern Crescent Technical College.