

Students will comply with governmental, state, and campus directives concerning maintaining required physical distancing (six feet) between themselves and other individuals on campus;

Students will use a face covering of their choosing that conforms to CDC guidelines anytime that they are in an indoor space where the College deems that social distancing is not practical, including but not limited to academic spaces and dining areas (except while eating) unless given different instructions by authorized college personnel;

Students will engage in frequent hand-washing and follow proper sneeze and cough etiquette, as recommended by the CDC;

Students understand and agree that they may be subject to regular testing for the COVID-19 virus and contact tracing, if testing and contact tracing is available, and they agree to submit to this testing and tracing, and the confidential reporting of the results to the College, without objection;

If students develop any symptom of COVID-19 as described by the CDC, they will immediately:

  • Inform the College by notifying appropriate personnel;
  • Remain off campus if not currently residing on campus;

If required by the College, agree to remain in self-quarantine for a time period determined by the College, in consultation with public health authorities.

The above conditions may change, and students agree to follow all college directives relating to COVID-19 and public health requirements.

Any failure to adhere to any of the above directives is a violation of the Code of Conduct that may result in sanctions, including but not limited to suspension or dismissal from the College.