
Procedures for Reporting a Crime

All emergencies, thefts, vehicle accidents, injuries, suspicious persons, suspicious activities, and solicitors should be reported to the College Police Department.

When an incident is reported, an accident/incident report will be filed with the College Police Department. The Annual Security Report as well as statistics concerning the occurrence of criminal offenses on any campus are available in the College Police Department located on the Savannah Campus, Suite 2123 in Goodman Hall, telephone number 912.443.5200. Crime statistics are available at: The Annual Security Report can be found at:

Savannah Technical College has implemented a comprehensive substance abuse prevention program, as well as a domestic abuse and sexual violence educational program for students and staff. Both programs have been implemented through a partnership with EverFi. These online courses empower students and staff to make well-informed decisions about issues that may affect them during their college years and beyond.