Catalog Addendum 2022-2023

Catalog Addendum for: Summer 2022/Fall 2022/Spring 2023 

Last Updated: January 25, 2023

The purpose of this addendum is to indicate where Red Rocks Community College has amended current information or added additional information to the college catalog. The information published herein is effective for the Summer 2022, Fall 2022, and Spring 2023 semesters. If any of these changes impact your ability to graduate, please contact the dean for your area of study.



Admissions and Enrollment Section:


Paying for College Section:


Tuition Rates and Fees Section:

Tuition rates are set annually by the State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education each fall. For current tuition rates, please check the website:

Changes to Resident Tuition. These rates are effective for Fall 2022, Spring 2023 and Summer 2023.

• Effective starting Fall 2022. Added to addendum 10/18/2022. 


On Campus Tuition Rate Tuition Per Credit Hour *COF Stipend Per Credit Hour Student Share Per Credit Hour
Resident $260.40 - $104.00 $156.40
WUE - Western Undergraduate Exchange (Associates) $234.60 no deduction $234.60
NUR Resident
$339.30 - $104.00 $235.30
Nursing - WUE $313.50 no deduction $313.50
Water Quality Management & Secure Software Development
BAS Resident
$359.15 - $104.00 $255.15
Physician Assistant
MPAS Resident
$571.30 no deduction $571.30

Online Tuition Rate

Tuition Per Credit Hour *COF Stipend Per Credit Hour Student Share Per Credit Hour
Resident Online $367.20 - $104.00 $263.20
Active Duty Military Online $354.00 -$104.00 $250.00
Nursing Online
NUR Resident
$442.30 - $104.00 $338.30
Bachelors Online
Water Quality Management & Secure Software Development
BAS Resident
$359.15 - $104.00 $255.15


Changes to Non-Resident Tuition. These rates are effective for Fall 2022, Spring 2023 and Summer 2023.

• Effective starting Fall 2022. Added to addendum 10/18/2022. 


On Campus Tuition Rate

Tuition Per Credit Hour
Non Resident $641.80
WUE - Western Undergraduate Exchange (Associates) $234.60
NUR Non Resident
NUR - WUE $313.50

Bachelors Water Quality Management & Secure Software Development
BAS Non Resident (WUE)


Master's Physician Assistant
MPAS Non Resident


OnlineTuition Rate

Tuition Per Credit Hour

Non Resident Online / WUE online

Nursing Online
NUR Non Resident (WUE)
Bachelors Online Water Quality Management&Secure Software Development
BAS Non Resident (WUE)


Note: WUE/WICHE rates are not available for thePhysician Assistant Program.


Changes to Student Fees. These rates are effective for Fall 2022, Spring 2023 and Summer 2023.

• Effective starting Fall 2022. Added to addendum 10/18/2022. 

Registration fee: $15.10 each semester.

Student fees: $10.97 per credit hour includes: Student Activity fee $6.82, Student Center Bond fee $2.68, Parking fee $1.47. Note: Student fees apply to the first 12 credit hours only. Max Student Campus fees per term $131.64.

Student Health & Counseling Center fee: $25.22 (fall and spring semesters), $12.61 (summer semester). **

Student Recreation Center Bond fee:$70.00 (fall and spring semesters), $42.00 (summer semester). Note: The bond fee funds are to pay the bonds used for constructing the building. ** 

Student Recreation Center Operating fee: $50.93 (fall and spring semesters), $30.55 (summer semester). Note: The operating fee funds will pay for the operation and maintenance of the center. **

Instructional Course fee: $7.85 per credit hour for designated courses.

Cisco fee: $22.25 per credit hour for designated courses.

CCCOnline Labkit fees per class per term for specified courses range from $125 to $333.

CCCOnline Digital fees per class for specified courses range from $37 to $74.

CCCOnline Computer Lab fees per class for specified courses range from $77.50 to $125.

Late fee: After the due date listed in the academic calendar, regardless of when the class starts, outstanding accounts are subject to a $40.00 initial late fee and a reoccurring $10.00 monthly late fee.

Application Fees: International: $75.00; Physician Assistant Program: $100.00

Designated Course fees: Please check the current course schedule for specific classes.

** If you are not being charged, you are not eligible to use these facilities. You may opt in at the Cashier's office.



Academic Matters Section:


• Effective starting Fall 2022. Added to addendum 01/04/2023. The Change of Declared Program after Census information was added to the catalog:

The deadline to change a primary declared program of study for a semester is the 15-week census (drop) date. If a student needs to change their primary program of study after the census date has passed, the changes are effective for the next semester unless the criteria below is met.

To change a declared program, students can complete the Change my Declared Degree Program form on The Rock, or email from their RRCC student issued email account. Completing other forms, such as the graduation application, transfer credit evaluation form, etc. does not update a student’s declared program.

If a request is received after the 15-week census date, Student Records will review the following to determine if the change of declared program can be updated for the current term or the next semester:

1. If the change of declared program request is submitted prior to the student’s first census date, Student Records can make updates to the primary program for the current term.

2. Student Records can update a secondary program post-census if the following criteria is met:

a. The student will be completing all course requirements for the secondary program by the end of the semester in which the program change is requested, and they are eligible for graduation, and

b. The total credit length of the program being added is equal to or less than their primary program, and

c. The student has applied for graduation by the graduation deadline for the semester in which they would like to add the secondary program.

3. All primary and secondary program requests need to be submitted by the end of the 15-week full term semester.


Class Scheduling Options Section:


Associate Degrees and Smart Track Degrees Section:


• Effective starting Summer 2022. Added to addendum 04/14/2022. The Mechanical Engineering AS degree title was corrected to: Associate of Engineering Degree in Mechanical Engineering (AES).

• Effective starting Summer 2022. Added to addendum 05/26/2022. The Associate of Engineering Degree in Mechanical Engineering (AES) title was corrected to Associate of Engineering Degree – Transfer track to Colorado State University.

• Effective starting Summer 2022. Added to addendum 05/26/2022. A new degree was added to the catalog: Associate of Engineering Degree – Transfer track to Colorado School of Mines.


Academic Programs Section:

Changes to Accounting Program

• Effective starting Summer 2022. Added to addendum 06/06/2022. The Accounting stackable certificates and degrees have been removed from the catalog. Stackable certificates and degrees are still available, contact an advisor for more information.

Changes to Associate of Engineering Degree - Transfer track to Colorado School of Mines

• Effective starting Summer 2022. Added to addendum 08/08/2022. The course EGG 1040 was removed and replaced with EGT 1110 Introduction to Design and Engineering Applications.

• Effective starting Summer 2022. Added to addendum 12/16/2022. The following courses were added under the AES Elective Courses list: CNG 124 and CIS 243.

Changes to Criminal Justice Program

• Effective starting Fall 2022. Added to addendum 1/6/2023. The Criminal Justice AA Designated Degree Requirements were updated to include Electives: 0-2 credits, and a link provided for the AA Electives in AA Degree Requirements was added.

Changes to Electricity Commercial-Industrial-Residential Program

• Effective starting Spring 2023. Added to addendum 1/18/2023. The Power Technology AAS Degree has been updated.


• Effective starting Spring 2023. Added to addendum 1/18/2023. The Construction Electrician IBEW/NECA AAS Degree has been updated.

Changes to Engineering - Pre-Engineering Program

• Effective starting Summer 2022. Added to addendum 1/12/2023. The Engineering - Pre-Engineering Area of Study has been removed from the catalog.

Changes to Multimedia Graphic Design Program

• Effective starting Summer 2022. Added to addendum 07/21/2022. The Introduction to Graphic Design Certificate requirements have been updated. The course MGD 1019 has been replaced with MGD 1014.


• Effective starting Summer 2022. Added to addendum 07/21/2022. The Visual Media Production & Talent Certificate has been moved from the Multimedia Graphic Design section to the Photography and Videography section.

Changes to Park Ranger Program

• Effective starting Fall 2022. Added to addendum 09/23/2022. The Natural Resource Interpretation Certificate requirements have been updated (PRA 2080 has been replaced with PRA 1075 and OUT 2043 has also been added to the requirements). The Park Ranger Specialist Certificate requirements have been updated (PRA 2080 has been replaced with PRA 1075). The Park Ranger Technology AAS Degree requirements have been updated (PRA 2080 have been added to the requirements, and General Electives credit total has been changed to 3 credits). The Outdoor Industry Business/Management Certificate requirements have been updated (MAR 2020 has been added to the Electives).

Changes to Photography/Videography Program

• Effective starting Summer 2022. Added to addendum 04/27/2022. The Professional Photography AAS Degree has been added to the catalog.


• Effective starting Summer 2022. Added to addendum 07/21/2022. The Professional Photography Certificate requirements have been updated. The course PHO 2188 has been added to the course requirements.

Changes to Social Work Program

• Effective starting Fall 2022. Added to addendum 10/19/2022. The Social Work AA Degree requirements have been updated and total credit hours changed to 60.


Course Descriptions Section:

Changes to Arabic (ARA) Courses

• Effective starting Fall 2022. Added to addendum 10/04/2022. The Arabic courses have been removed from the catalog. 

Changes to Biology (BIO) Courses

• Effective starting Fall 2022. Added to addendum 08/25/2022. The prerequisites for BIO 2120 and BIO 2121 have been updated.

Changes to Computer Web-Based (CWB) Courses

• Effective starting Spring 2023. Added to addendum 12/01/2022. The Prerequisites for CWB 2008 have been updated.

Changes to Data Science (DAT) Courses

• Effective starting Spring 2023. Added to addendum 10/05/2022. The courses DAT 2001 and DAT 2002 have been added to the catalog.

Changes to Diagnostic Medical Sonography (DMS) Courses

• Effective starting Spring 2023. Added to addendum 12/06/2022. The courses DMS 2503 and DMS 2512 have been added to the catalog.

Changes to Early Childhood Education (ECE) Courses

• Effective starting Fall 2022. Added to addendum 10/04/2022. The following courses have been removed from the catalog: ECE1008, ECE1075, ECE1080, ECE1081, ECE1082, ECE1088, ECE2075, ECE2078, and ECE2085 have been removed from the catalog.

Changes to Education (EDU) Courses

• Effective starting Fall 2022. Added to addendum 10/13/2022. The following courses have been removed from the catalog: EDU 2075, EDU 2080, EDU 2085, EDU 2089, EDU 2092, EDU 2501, EDU 2601, EDU 2661.


• Effective starting Spring 2023. Added to addendum 1/25/2023. The following course has been added to the catalog: EDU 2601.

Changes to English (ENG) Courses

• Effective starting Fall 2022. Added to addendum 09/28/2022. The ENG 2001 course has been removed from the catalog.

Changes to Fine Woodworking (FIW) Courses

• Effective starting Fall 2022. Added to addendum 10/31/2022. The FIW 1077 course credits have been updated to 4 credits.


Effective starting Fall 2022. Added to addendum 11/22/2022. The prerequisite for FIW 2010 has been updated to FIW 2012.


Changes to French (FRE) Courses

• Effective starting Fall 2022. Added to addendum 10/04/2022. The FRE 2075 course has been removed from the catalog.

Changes to Geology (GEO) Courses

• Effective starting Fall 2022. Added to addendum 10/04/2022. The course GEO 1065 has been removed from the catalog.

Changes to German (GER) Courses

• Effective starting Fall 2022. Added to addendum 10/04/2022. The courses GER 1001 and GER 1002 have been removed from the catalog.

Changes to History (HIS) Courses

• Effective starting Fall 2022. Added to addendum 10/04/2022. The following courses have been removed from the catalog: HIS 2110, HIS 2120, HIS 2125, HIS 2142, HIS 2310, HIS 2320, HIS 2500, HIS 2600, and HIS 2610.

Changes to Humanities (HUM) Courses

• Effective starting Fall 2022. Added to addendum 08/08/2022. The prerequisites have been removed from all HUM courses.


• Effective starting Fall 2022. Added to addendum 09/28/2022. HUM 1020, HUM 1021, HUM 1022, HUM 1023, and HUM 2086 have been removed from the catalog.


Effective starting Spring 2023. Added to addendum 1/10/2023. HUM 1020 The Cultural History of Rock and Roll course was added back to the catalog.

Changes to Italian (ITA) Courses

• Effective starting Fall 2022. Added to addendum 10/04/2022. The Italian courses have been removed from the catalog.

Changes to Latin (LAT) Courses

• Effective starting Summer 2022. Added to addendum 05/13/2022. LAT 2011 Latin III and LAT 2012 Latin IV have been added to the catalog.


• Effective starting Summer 2022. Added to addendum 06/15/2022. LAT 1011 Latin I and LAT 1012 Latin II have been added to the catalog.

Changes to Law Enforcement Academy (LEA) Courses

• Effective starting Fall 2022. Added to addendum 09/09/2022. The prerequisites have been removed from LEA 1010, LEA 1011, LEA 1018, LEA 1026, LEA 1031, LEA 2040, LEA 2047.

Changes to Literature (LIT) Courses

• Effective starting Fall 2022. Added to addendum 09/28/2022. LIT 2001, LIT 2025, and LIT 2057 have been removed from the catalog.

Changes to Math (MAT) Courses

• Effective starting Summer 2022. Added to addendum 07/18/2022. The prerequisite for MAT 1240 was updated to: Co-requisite enrollment in MAT 0240 support course or Grade of C or higher in the following course(s): MAT 0250 or equivalent placement scores.


• Effective starting Summer 2022. Added to addendum 07/18/2022. The prerequisite for MAT 1260 was updated to: Co-requisite enrollment in MAT 0260 support course or Grade of C or higher in the following course(s): MAT 0250 or equivalent placement scores.

Changes to Multimedia Graphic Design (MGD) Courses

• Effective starting Summer 2022. Added to addendum 07/21/2022. The course title for MGD 2058 Web Design Production has been updated to: MGD 2058 User Experience/User Interface Design (UX/UI).


• Effective starting Fall 2022. Added to addendum 08/23/2022. The course MGD 1058 has been added to the 15 elective courses for the Graphic Design and Print Production AAS Degree.

• Effective starting Spring 2023. Added to addendum 11/11/2022. 
The following MGD courses were added to the catalog: MGD 1022, MGD 1055, MGD 1058, and MGD 2055.


Effective starting Spring 2023. Added to addendum 11/11/2022. The prerequisites have been updated for MGD 1009, MGD 1022, MGD 1025, MGD 1033, MGD 1042, MGD 1043, MGD 1053, MGD 1055, MGD 1058, MGD 2020, MGD 2033, MGD 2041, MGD 2052, MGD 2053, MGD 2055, MGD 2057, MGD 2058, MGD 2067, MGD 2068, and MGD 2089.

Changes to Outdoor Studies (OUT) Courses

• Effective starting Summer 2022. Added to addendum 07/18/2022. The course OUT 2200 Naturalist Training was added to the catalog.

Changes to Physician Assistant Studies (PAS) Courses

• Effective starting Fall 2022. Added to addendum 08/24/2022. The courses PAS 6006 Science Foundation of Medicine and PAS 6075 Special Topics have been added to the catalog.

 Changes to Plumbing (PLU) Courses

• Effective starting Summer 2022. Added to addendum 04/14/2022. The course PLU275 was corrected to the new four-digit prefix: PLU 2075.

Changes to Park Ranger (PRA) Courses

• Effective starting Summer 2022. Added to addendum 07/18/2022. The course PRA 2045 was removed and corrected to: OUT 2200.

Changes to Psychology (PSY) Courses

• Effective starting Fall 2022. Added to addendum 09/06/2022. The course PSY 2770 was added to the catalog. The courses PSY 1015 and PSY 1018 have been removed from the catalog. 

Changes to Russian (RUS) Courses

• Effective starting Fall 2022. Added to addendum 10/04/2022. The Russian courses have been removed from the catalog.

Changes to Spanish (SpA) Courses

• Effective starting Fall 2022. Added to addendum 10/04/2022. The courses SPA 1014, SPA 1015, SPA 2015, SPA 2075, SPA 2085 have been removed from the catalog.

Changes to Water Quality Management (WQM) Courses

• Effective starting Summer 2022. Added to addendum 05/10/2022. The course WQM 2075 was added to the catalog.