4.10 Administrator Hiring
Related Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board Policy: 1B.1 Nondiscrimination in Employment and Education Opportunity
Related Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board Procedure: None
Purpose: This policy addresses the selection and appointment of permanent excluded administrators whose employment conditions are covered by the Personnel Plan for Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Administrators.
Part 1: Goal
The college's goal is to promote integrity in the search process and effect multicultural recruitment of quality administrators. The college is committed to the principle of excellence in education and in all functions and activities that support services to our college community. The college values the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion as essential characteristics of administrators and will act in accordance with the principles of recruitment and hiring practices as outlined in the Minnesota State System and the college's Affirmative Action Plan.
Part 2: Search Process
Subpart A: Position Description. The position description for administrative positions shall be developed by the immediate supervisor in consultation with the Chief Human Resources Officer. Input to the position description will be obtained through consultation with administrators, Shared Governance Council, staff, faculty, students or others, as appropriate. The President shall approve the position description.
Subpart B: Posting. The vacancy notice will be posted in accordance with the current MnSCU Board Policy. Concentrated efforts will be made to recruit a well-qualified pool of diverse applicants.
Subpart C: Timing. Normally, administrator searches will be conducted during the times when the majority of faculty, staff, and students are on campus. However, when necessary and in the best interests of the college, the President may need to authorize administrative searches at other times.
Subpart D: Recommendation of Candidates. Through the appropriate Vice President or committee chair, the search advisory committee will make a recommendation to the President. The recommendation will include candidates (unranked) whom the committee believes should be considered to continue in the search process and detailed assessments of the candidate's areas of strength and concern.
Part 3: Appointment of Search Advisory Committees
Subpart A: The search advisory committee is advisory to the college Vice President and President to whom the position reports. Committee members shall serve as stewards on behalf the interests of the entire college community.
Subpart B: The search advisory committee for Vice President of Academic Affairs will be appointed by the President including the chair. Representation on the committee should include faculty, administrators, staff, students and others as determined necessary by the President. The President has the option of choosing faculty members from recommendations made by the Faculty Executive Committee after their open call for participation. A list of all committee volunteers will be provided to the President. The committee’s names will be announced to the campus. The President will generally appoint no more than one faculty member from a subdivision.
Subpart C: Search committees for other administrative positions will be established by the President or designee and should include representation from administrators, staff, students, faculty and others as determined necessary by the President or designee. A list of all committee volunteers will be provided to the President. The committee’s names will be announced to the college.
Subpart D: In recognizing the primary role of the faculty in the academic and curricular areas of the college, the President will generally give faculty a greater proportion of the membership of search committees for Academic Affairs positions than other administrative positions. Searches for academic dean positions, for example, will normally have the majority of faculty serving on the committee. The President has the option of choosing faculty members from recommendations made by the Faculty Executive Committee after their open call for participation.
Part 4: Data Practices
Subpart A: Identity of applicants is permanently protected, except for those who become finalists. Under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDP), “finalist” means an individual who is to be interviewed prior to the final selection (M.S. 1343, Subd. 3).
Subpart B: All search materials and data will be returned to Human Resources and maintained under the MGDP.
Policy History:
Date of Adoption: 04/12/2008
Department Owner: Vice President of People & Culture
Date and Subject of Revisions:
December 2023-Removal of gendered language, updated links and references, removal of the requirement for 3 finalists in every search.
Next Review Date: 2027