History/Adolescent Education and Students with Disabilities (5-Year) History/Political Science

Hegis Code 2299

In joining two closely-related disciplines, the major in history/political science is designed to develop in a student an understanding of political behavior in both the historical and modern context.

Through the study of history, the student learns the historical foundations upon which the contemporary world is based. Through political science the student becomes aware of the structure, organization, and theory of the institutions that govern the modern world. In both disciplines, the student learns analytical skills and research techniques that will be of great practical value in both educational and career settings.

A major in history/political science provides students with a number of career opportunities related to their field of interest. These opportunities include careers in law, teaching on the elementary, secondary, college or university level, and business and government service.

Internships, offered in both state and local government offices, historical societies and historical site management, are designed to give history/political science majors valuable educational experiences and opportunities related to their field of interest. Students are encouraged to enroll in the internship program in both disciplines during their senior year.

Program Requirements for History/Political Science Major

All history/political science majors must complete a minimum of 30 credits to be distributed as follows:

6 credits in American history

6 credits in European history

6 credits in government

6 credits in political thought

6 credits in elective courses, which may include internships and independent study.

Additional Information

At least 18 of the minimum 30 credits must be taken in courses at the 3000 or 4000 level. Students majoring in history/political science must maintain an average of C or better in completing the requirements for the major. The prerequisite for courses at the 3000 or 4000 level is a minimum of 3 credits in history/political science.