Grade Point Average Requirements

The following table will be used as a guideline in determining academic standing in the Honors Program based on cumulative GPA, but students will generally have at least one semester on probation as an opportunity to raise their GPAs before being academically dismissed.


Good Standing















Along with satisfactory academic progress, there is a required GPA minimum of 3.40 to remain in the Honors Program. If a student's GPA falls below 3.40 at the end of a given semester, that student may be placed on Honors Probation, or may be dismissed from the Honors Program. A minimum grade requirement of "B" or better is required in a designated Honors course in order for the course to be recorded as an Honors course and for the Honor student to receive Honors credit. Should a student not receive a grade of "B" or better in a designated Honors course but stil pass the course with a "D" or better, the student will not receive Honors credit but will receive liberal arts elective credits for the course.

A student on Honors probation has up to two semesters to bring his or her GPA to a 3.40, with the Assistant VPAA's approval in consultation with the Faculty Honors Council and the Director of the Honors Program. A student who falls below the GPA mark for dismissal, as shown in the table, will be dismissed from the program. As a result, it is possible that a student could take 18 credits of Honors course work and still not complete the Honors Program, if that student's GPA is less than 3.40 by the time of graduation.

Readmission to the program will be up to the discretion of the Assistant VPAA in consultation with the Faculty Honors Council and the Director of the Honors Program. Appeals may be made within the semester of notification of dismissal or probationary status.

The Honors Program's academic agenda is complemented and reinforced by cultural and social activities. While designed for traditional undergraduate students, the program is open to non-traditional students. The Honors Program provides students with the opportunity to interact with faculty and other Honors students in courses and in social and cultural activities. Other benefits during the student's college career include early registration, Honors housing, and cultural trips as well as social activities planned throughout the year. Also, Honors program seniors, who have satisfactorily completed the program, are acknowledged at an Honors Program Recognition Event prior to graduation. Successful completion of the Honors Program is indicated on the student's official academic transcript.