Permission for Credits

The usual course load is 15 credits or five academic credit courses in a traditional semester. Full-time students with a minimum GPA of 3.0 may be permitted to register for more than five academic credit courses. (See course load limitations below.) These limits may not be exceeded without the approval of the Academic Standards Committee. Students should anticipate graduation, major and course requirements and submit appropriate requests in a timely manner. Freshmen in their first semester at Mount Saint Mary College are limited to five credit bearing courses.

Requests for course overloads must be submitted to the chair of the Academic Standards Committee via the MSMC portal before the start of the semester. All requests must be submitted and approved by the end of the add/drop period.

Course Load Limits
Student Status Maximum Credits Per Fall/Spring Semester With Lab, Practicum, Physical Education Without Approval
Probation or STEP Students 12-13 credits
Students in Good Standing* With 15 MSMC credits 15-17 credits
3.000-3.499 GPA 18-20 credits
3.500-4.000 GPA 21-23 credits
Seniors with 2.750-2.999 GPA for their final semester (or for any senior also completing student teaching) 18 credits

*Students enrolled in the Degree Completion program may take 18 credits per semester with a maximum of 20 credits with lab, practicum, or internship, providing they are in good academic standing.

Students, while matriculated at the Mount, may transfer credits and grades (of C or better; this does not include C- grades) toward degree requirements for course work taken at other institutions, provided prior permission for such courses has been granted by chair of the division offering the courses. In order to get prior permission, students must complete and submit a Permission to Enroll Form, prior to enrolling in a course at another school, and bring it to the Registrars Office for processing.  

*A students last 12 credits must be taken at Mount Saint Mary College.