Health Services

Mount Saint Mary College has a Health Services Wellness Center located in Guzman Hall that is open during the day on weekdays. It is available to all full-time undergraduate students. Staffing includes a nurse practitioner, registered nurses, a receptionist, and two on-call consulting physicians. The physicians also hold office hours on Friday afternoons. No appointment is necessary for most routine care. The Health Services Clinic is designed to provide treatment for acute illness and injury and is not designed to take the place of the student's personal physician or to treat illness or injury of a serious or lasting nature.

Health Services maintains student health records for all students. The MSMC Health Form is available for download from the college's Health Services website and must be completed and returned to Health Services before the beginning of the semester or session. New York State Public Health laws require that all students born on or after January 1, 1957 who wish to enroll in six or more credits in any one semester provide proof of immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR). Students may submit an official immunization record from their health care provider or complete an MSMC Immunization Record. The immunization record must be signed and stamped by the student's health care provider. In addition, all students, regardless of age, must sign and return the Meningitis Information Response Form indicating that they either have had or wish to waive the Meningococcal vaccine. The college also requires full-time students to submit documentation of a current physical and PPD (TB test), performed within the past year, which can be recorded on the health form. Students who do not comply with these requirements will be subject to withdrawal from the college.

All full-time undergraduate students pay a Health Service Fee and an Accident Insurance Fee. The Health Service Fee covers all routine in-office care provided by the nurses, nurse practitioner a,nd physicians, as well as over-the-counter medications. Laboratory tests (strep test, mono test, PPD, urinalysis) and many prescription medications are also available and have a minimal co-pay which is billed to the student's account. In some circumstances, a referral will need to be made to an appropriate off-campus medical facility. In these cases, costs are the responsibility of the student or guardian. Students are encouraged to have medical insurance coverage, to carry a copy of their insurance card, and to know how to access care if needed. The college is located within four blocks of St. Luke's Cornwall Hospital, where students can receive urgent care after hours. Transportation for such care can be provided by MSMC Security.

The Accident Insurance Fee covers loss resulting from accidental bodily injuries sustained during the policy period. The insurance plan provides coverage 24 hours a day, whether the student is involved in college activities, traveling, or at home. Claim forms are available in Health Services. It is the student's responsibility to submit bills and to respond to correspondence from the insurance company.

The Health Services Wellness Center also offers wellness programs throughout the year and encourages students to learn about and participate in healthy lifestyles. Topics include stress management, smoking cessation, healthy eating, and exercise, among others. This information is provided through individual student visits, collaborative presentations with Residence Assistants in the residence halls, bi-monthly wellness tables, and an annual Health Fair. Students are also encouraged to utilize the Stress-Less Room that is available for their use whenever the Health Services Wellness Center is open.

For further information about Health Services call 845-569-3152, or email