Academic Integrity in the Division of Education

The University maintains and affirms a strong policy of academic honesty. Every member of the academic community has a duty neither to cheat nor to condone cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, or facilitation of academic dishonesty. Academic infractions are subject to disciplinary action.

Plagiarism, defined as a "failure to document the direct words of another or the rephrasing of another's work so as to represent them as one's own," is inconsistent with the values and dispositions required for teaching and with the philosophy of Molloy University. Incidents of suspected plagiarism will result in the following:

  • Conference with the course professor
  • Conference with the Program Director
  • 0% grade and no credit for the assignment which contains plagiarized material
  • Possible course failure and repetition of the course
  • Referral to the Associate Dean for Academic Support Services.