Program Structure

Courses in our Graduate Business programs are offered in formats suited for professionals in need of flexible learning modalities, including the following: online asynchronous, online synchronous, hybrid, and in person on campus.

  • Online asynchronous course sections are completely online and do not require students to be present on a particular day of the week or at a particular time.
  • Online synchronous course sections require students to log in (e.g., via Zoom) at a designated time each week (i.e., 6 PM on a weekday) to join the professor and fellow classmates in a real-time learning environment.
  • Traditional (or in person, face-to-face) course sections require students to attend class on campus at Molloy. These classes typically begin at 6 PM and end at 10:10 PM.
  • Hybrid course sections include a mix of learning in the classroom and online. For example, the class may alternate between meeting on campus one week (beginning at 6 PM) and then learning online the next.

Students in our Finance, Healthcare Administration, Management, and Marketing MBA programs may earn their degrees online.

Graduate Business courses are offered in seven-week semesters throughout the year (Fall I, Fall II, Spring I, Spring II, Summer III, and Summer IV). Occasionally, courses are offered during the two-week Winter Intersession.

Students may be enrolled on a part-time or full-time basis.

The final capstone course consists of a consulting project during which students address a business problem presented by a not-for-profit organization or government agency.