Bioethics Minor

Sponsoring department:


Molloy Program of Study Code: BETMI


Upon completion of minor, students will:

  • Identify and apply the mainstream ethical frameworks for bioethics, including utilitarianism, deontology, rights theory, care ethics and principlism.
  • Critically analyze major ethical issues in bioethics related to medical ethics, including informed consent, the patient/provider relationship, patient confidentiality, conscience-based refusals and patient advocacy.
  • Critically analyze major ethical issues in bioethics related to the health of the broader community, including environmental influence on health, public policy on bioethical issues such as abortion, physician assistant death, stem cell research, cloning and artificial intelligence.
  • Explain the value-laden nature of medicine and science, including the role of values in conceptions of health and disease, treatment and care plans, the interpretation of scientific research and the formulation of social and institutional policies.
  • Explain the prevalence of different types of bias and discrimination in health care, including, but not limited to, racism, sexism, weight bias, disability discrimination, homophobia, and transphobia and hypothesize solutions.
  • Research in depth and detail at least one topic in bioethics, such as death and dying, reproductive ethics, research ethics, public health ethics, disability ethics, artificial intelligence ethics or child health/family ethics.


Required Courses

ETH 2880Introduction to Bioethics


PHI 1020Critical Thinking


Complete either ETH course (3 Credits)

ETH 3880Advanced Bioethics


ETH 3900H(Honors) Bioethics in the Contemporary World


ETH 3900H may be taken by Honors Program students.

Complete three Ethics elective credits (9 Credits)


ETH 2500Ethics: Theory and Practice


ETH 2520Sexual Ethics


ETH 2540Ethics, Justice and Society


ETH 2550Environmental Ethics


ETH 2790Religion and Global Moral Issues


ETH 2890Disability Ethics


Two Elective courses may be substituted from approved courses in nursing, sociology, social work, psychology, legal studies, theology and religious studies, gerontology or a another related field. The chairperson of the Philosophy Department will work with participating departments to evaluate whether a course meets program objectives.

Total Credit Hours: 18