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BUS - Business
BUS 5000
BUS 5010
BUS 5030
BUS 5050
BUS 5070
BUS 5100
BUS 5110
BUS 5150
BUS 5200
BUS 5210
BUS 5230
BUS 5400
BUS 5500
BUS 5540
BUS 5550
BUS 5560
BUS 5570
BUS 5580
BUS 5590
BUS 5600
BUS 5610
BUS 5630
BUS 5640
BUS 5650
BUS 5670
BUS 5700
BUS 5800
BUS 5850
BUS 5860
BUS 5920
BUS 5950
BUS 5951
CRJ - Criminal Justice
EDU - Education
ETH - Ethics
MAT - Mathematics
MHC - Clinical Mental Health Counseling
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PSY - Psychology
SLP - Speech-Language Pathology
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Graduate Catalog 2021 - 2022
BUS - Business
» 5000
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BUS 5000
MOS Certification
BUS 5010
Managerial Accounting and Reporting
BUS 5030
Accounting Theory
BUS 5050
Accounting Research
BUS 5070
Computer Auditing
BUS 5100
Marketing Management
BUS 5110
Organizational Behavior
BUS 5150
Business Ethics
BUS 5200
Financial Statement Analysis
BUS 5210
Corporate Financial Management
BUS 5230
Advanced Taxation
BUS 5400
Leadership in Organizations
BUS 5500
Perspectives on Strategy
BUS 5540
Accounting for Healthcare Professionals
BUS 5550
Healthcare Marketing
BUS 5560
Economic Evaluations in Healthcare
BUS 5570
Healthcare Finance
BUS 5580
Healthcare Organization and Delivery
BUS 5590
Investment Management
BUS 5600
Advanced Topics in Finance
BUS 5610
Financial Markets and Institutions
BUS 5630
Brand Strategy and Category Management
BUS 5640
Global Marketing
BUS 5650
Consumer Behavior in the New Media Environment
BUS 5670
Research Data for Market Intelligence
BUS 5700
International Business
BUS 5800
Managerial Economic Analysis
BUS 5850
Quantitative Analysis Supporting Managerial Decisions
BUS 5860
Project Management
BUS 5920
Healthcare Capstone/Strategy
BUS 5950
Capstone I
BUS 5951
Capstone II