Internships/Field Experience

The Biology, Chemistry and Environmental Studies Department of Molloy College believes that Field Experience and Internships play a vital role in the preparation of students for a variety of careers. A Field Experience/Internship experience should be mutually beneficial to the student, the internship/field experience site and the academic department.

As part of the Biology and Earth and Environmental Studies major, all students must complete at least one semester of an off-campus internship. An internship makes the classroom’s abstract theories and learned examples concrete by placing you in a real-life work situation performing actual professional tasks. Students have the opportunity to perform their internship at Molloy College’s field station, CERCOM (Center for Environmental Research and Coastal Oceans Monitoring).

Below is a brief introduction intended to acquaint participants with the goals of an Internship/Field Experience, as well as detail the requirements and responsibilities inherent in the program.