2021-2022 Catalog and Student Handbook

Admission into the Music Therapy Program

Students wishing to pursue a B.M. degree in Music Therapy must first audition and interview for preliminary acceptance by the music faculty. Complete acceptance into the major (required to enroll in all 300 & 400 level courses) is contingent upon completion of the following requirements:

  • A 2.75 cumulative grade point average while enrolled at Marietta College. If the student’s grade point average falls below a 2.75, the student will be placed on program probation for one semester. If, at the end of the probationary semester, the student’s grades are still below a 2.75, the student will no longer be permitted to enroll in 300/400-level Music or Music Therapy courses
  • Completion of WRIT 102 and COMM 203 with a grade of “C” or better.
  • Completion of the piano proficiency (MUSC 141,142, 241, 242)
  • Completion of the Aural Skills proficiency (MUSC 171, 172, 271 and 272)
  • Acceptance into the 300-level of applied study
  • Completion each of the following courses with a grade of C or better: MUSC 111, 112, 211, 212, 303, and MUTH 110 and four credit hours of the ensemble requirement.
  • Successful completion of four semesters of the recital requirement.
  • Successful completion of the sophomore review. The sophomore review is an individual conference with the faculty of the department to review the progress of each student.

Students will prepare and present an electronic portfolio that is based on detailed instructions provided in the Music Department handbook.

The sophomore review will include but is not limited to, the following topics: transcript review, piano proficiency results, aural skill proficiency results, repertoire list and jury evaluations, and a statement of goals, strengths and weakness with a plan to address the weaknesses sited. The review is designed not only to be an assessment of their progress to date, but an opportunity for the students and faculty to discuss weaknesses and strengths and set individualized goals for the rest of the student’s time at Marietta College. The College’s Department of Music, will either accept or reject the student’s application into the Professional Music Therapy Certification Program based on the student’s qualifications and the department’s vote of confidence in the student’s ability to complete the Program. Students denied admission to the Professional Music Therapy Certification Program may appeal this decision according to the criteria set forth in the Marietta College Music Department Handbook: https://www.marietta.edu/sites/ default/files/documents/music_department_handbook_18-19_final.pdf

Prior to enrollment in MUTH 497: Students must meet the following:

  • Formal acceptance into the major
  • Satisfactory evaluations in all field work.
  • Completion of all prerequisite courses.
  • Successful completion of seven semesters of the recital requirement
  • Minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.75.
  • Successful completion of all MUTH courses with a grade of “C” or better in all required MUSC and MUTH courses.

Prior to receiving a BM in Music Therapy, the Music Therapy student must complete a 6 month internship at an American Music Therapy Association approved internship clinical site. This internship is normally 6 months in length and requirements a minimum of 900 hours of supervised clinical training. At the completion of the internship, the student can then sit for the national board certification exam to become a music therapist-board certified (MT-BC). This certification allows the music therapist to enter into practice.