2021-2022 Catalog and Student Handbook

The Cooperative College (3-2) Program in Environmental Science

Marietta College is a cooperative institution in Duke University’s Cooperative College Agreement, which is designed to allow qualified undergraduate students to begin enrollment in the Master of Forestry (MF) or Master of Environmental Management (MEM) program at the Nicholas School of the Environment (Duke University), after completion of three years of applicable undergraduate coursework. A student usually spends the first three years at Marietta and two years at Duke University. Assuming that all required undergraduate courses are completed prior to matriculation into the Nicholas School of the Environment, students will be eligible to receive the Marietta College undergraduate degree upon successful completion of the first year of professional study. After the second year, students will be eligible to receive the MF or MEM degree. Students may also enter Duke after completing the baccalaureate degree (a 4-2 student). It is possible for students to complete the Master of Environmental Management concurrently with the Master of Forestry degree. With careful planning of course work and special attention to the master’s project, students wishing to complete the MEM concurrently with the MF may do so with one additional year of work.

Insofar as possible, each applicant is judged individually on his or her own merit and all parts of the application are equally important in determining acceptance. There are no specific levels of GPA and GRE required for admission. Decisions to accept or deny the application are made by the Admissions and Awards Committee.

Course requirements for the Marietta phase of the program vary somewhat depending on the intended master degree and the Marietta major the student wishes to pursue. Program perquisites mandate that at least the following courses be completed at Marietta:

  • Undergraduate experience and training in professional writing
  • College level course in Calculus* (required)
  • College level course in Statistics* (required)

*Students must earn a grade of B- or better in each prerequisite course and earn college credit in order for it to count towards the prerequisite. Pass/Fail courses are not acceptable. Self-paced courses are also not acceptable.

Each program requires additional courses, beyond the admission prerequisites outlined above, and may also recommend further preparation. This information is available from the Duke University website, http://nicholas.duke.edu/programs/cooperative-college-3-2-program, and from the program advisor. Because of time constraints, students interested in this program should contact the program advisor before freshman registration in the fall.

Students interested in this program should contact:

Dr. Eric Fitch

Associate Professor of Environmental Science

Rickey Science Center – Room 135

(740) 376-4997
