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Tuition and Fees for 2023-2024 - Global Undergraduate

LBC offers the same tuition rate for in-state and out-of-state residents. The Global undergraduate tuition rate will remain locked (no increase) for students who remain continuously enrolled in LBC courses towards their certificate or undergraduate degree.


Full-Time  $375/credit 
Part-Time  $440/credit 
Acadeum Tuition  $800/Course 
Audited Course  $90/credit 


Life Experience Credits  
Portfolio Fee (assessed once)  $175 
Credits transcribed $100/per credit 


Miscellaneous Fees   
Application Fee  $25 
Student Service Fee  $175/semester 
Change of Group/Readmission $25 
Rescheduling Fee (drop/add) $15 
Textbook Mail Fee (varies by shipping method) $5-$15 
Official Transcript $8 


Payment Plan Fees  
Payment Plan Enrollment Fee (automatic debit)  $25/semester 
Payment Plan Late Payment Fee $5 or 5% - whichever is higher
Payment Plan NSF  $20 
Returned ACH or Check Fee $40

Late Fees: Past due accounts are subject to an account service fee of $150 per semester (If over $500) or $50 monthly service fee (if over $100).


Course Fees  
BUS 403  $40 
 SCI - All Science Labs $85 

Textbooks: All textbooks must be paid in full at the time of purchase or charged to the student's account. Estimated textbook expense $1,000/semester.