Interdisciplinary Humanities Minor (15 credit hours)

Courses in interdisciplinary humanities explore humanistic thought and creativity in the Western and/or non-Western worlds. Through offerings focusing on various geographic regions, time periods, and themes, HUM-prefix courses introduce students to human cultures, past and present, by examining materials selected from several humanistic disciplines such as literature, the visual and performing arts, film, religion, philosophy, and history. HUM-prefix courses emphasize the interconnections among these different areas of study. The minor in Interdisciplinary Humanities helps to provide the basis of a strong liberal arts education while complementing a number of major areas of study in departments across the university. The minor emphasizes the development of cultural literacy and aesthetic appreciation as well as the cultivation of critical thinking and communication skills. The goal of the minor is to develop students’ interpretive and analytical abilities through the study of a diverse array of texts and various other forms of intellectual and creative expression.

Education Away – Study abroad interdisciplinary humanities courses, and/or domestic travel-based courses, are also offered in selected summer terms or spring breaks. Check with HUM faculty for upcoming courses. Previous offerings have included: “Moorish Spain,” “Encounters with British Culture,” “The London Cultural Experience,” “Castles, Cultures, & Connections: Italy/Austria/Switzerland,” “Golden Ages of Italy and Greece” (an archeological field study tour of Italy, Greece, and Turkey), and “Culture of New York.”

A minor in Interdisciplinary Humanities consists of fifteen [15] credit hours in courses marked HUM. An interdisciplinary minor in Medical Humanities is also available; see the “Medical Humanities Minor” section of this catalog for more information.