Core Curriculum Requirements

Based on placement results, some students may be required to complete additional course work in English and/or mathematics before enrolling in the core courses in those disciplines. MATH 104 is a prerequisite for MATH 189.

  • Students must earn a minimum grade of “C-” in ENGL 103 and should complete this introductory writing course in their first year of enrollment.
    • Students who have scored a 3 on either the AP Language and Composition or the AP Literature and Composition exams are automatically placed in 103H.
    • Students who have scored a 4 or a 5 on the AP Language and Composition exam are given credit for ENGL 103 and placed in an honors section of an English/literature core requirement course.
    • Students who have scored a 4 or a 5 on the AP Literature and Composition exam earn three (3) hours of English elective credit and are placed in ENGL 103H.
  • All students enrolled in ENGL 103 must pass an Exit Exam at the end of the term. Students not meeting minimum requirements on this exit exam are required to enroll in ENGL 214WI prior to reaching 60 hours. It is not necessary to pass the exit exam in order to pass ENGL 103. ENGL 214WI counts as a University elective.  Students who have not completed ENGL 214WI before the end of their Sophomore year will be automatically registered in ENGL 214WI.
  • Students need to complete both ENGL 103 and the literature core requirement before enrolling in any HUM course.
  • ENGL 103 is a prerequisite for all English courses numbered above 199.
  • Students should complete their computing science and mathematics requirements by the end of their sophomore year.
  • First Year Seminar Requirements 

    All first-year students will be automatically enrolled in and must complete JU 111 their first semester on campus. Honors students may substitute JU 169. Transfer students in their  second year or beyond are exempt. Students entering with an AA degree are exempt.



Subject Code & Course Credits
 First Year Seminar  JU 111 (or JU169 for honors) 3
Economics Choose one course from the following:
ECON 189, ECON 201
English/Writing ENGL 103 3
English/Literature Choose one course from the following:
ENGL 189, ENGL 202, ENGL 203, ENGL 204, ENGL 206
Fine Arts Choose three credit hours in Fine Arts coursework:
Global Studies Choose one three-credit hour course associated with the following degree programs:
Bachelor of Arts degree:
One foreign language course or equivalent at the 202-level or above
Bachelor of Science and other Bachelor degrees:
One foreign language course or equivalent at the 102-level or above
One International Studies (IS) course at the 300 level
History Choose one three-credit hour course in History (HIST) at the 100 or 200 level 3
Humanities Choose one three-credit hour course in Humanities (HUM) at the 300 level or above 3
Lab Science Choose at least four (4) credit hours in lab science at the 100-200 level; BIOL, CHEM, ENV, MSC, PHYS. The requirement can be met by a 4 credit lab course OR a 3 credit lecture course AND its associated lab course of one or more credits. 4
Mathematics Choose one course from the following:
MATH 110, MATH 112, MATH 114, MATH 140, MATH 189
Philosophy Choose one course from the following:
PHIL 101, PHIL 189, PHIL 212
Social Science Choose one course from the following:
GEOG 189, GEOG 200, POL 189, POL 205, POL 208, PSYC 189, PSYC 201, SOC 189, SOC 203
Technology Choose one course from the following: 
CS 150, DSIM 203RI, MUS 150, or a Technology-Intensive (TI) course in the major approved by the department as an equivalent.

* Core seminars that are cross-listed with a lab science course will be 4 credit hours.

Total Credits = 40-41 credits

(Total credits for all degrees are affected by English, Mathematics, and Foreign Language placement results)

Fine Arts Requirements

Students must complete a minimum of three (3) semester credit hours in the Linda Berry Stein College of Fine Arts & Humanities. Credit may be earned by a single course or a combination of courses in the following disciplines:

  • Art History (ARH)
  • Art (ART)
  • Dance (DANC)
  • Media Arts (MART)
  • Music (MUS)
  • Theatre (THEA)

Course content may in nature be experiential (e.g., applied art, music, etc.) and/or reflective (e.g., history or appreciation of art, music, etc.).

To gain an experience of the rich diversity of the arts, students must attend events sponsored by the College of Fine Arts (e.g., concerts, exhibitions, performances, etc.).

Foreign Language Requirements

Students pursuing the Bachelor of Arts degree must complete one 202-level or above foreign language course or equivalent. Students pursuing the Bachelor of Science and other Bachelor degrees who elect to take foreign language to satisfy the Global Studies requirement must complete one 102-level or above foreign language course or equivalent. International or bilingual students who are granted a waiver from the foreign language requirement must still satisfy the Global Studies requirement by taking one International Studies (IS) course or studying a new language through the 102 level.

The Communication, English and Film majors are offered only as BA degree programs. Students in these programs must complete one 202-level or above foreign language course or equivalent, even if they enter with an Associate of Arts (AA) degree from a regionally-accredited community college.

Students who place at the 300 level on a foreign language placement exam will be awarded six hours of credit for FREN or SPAN 201 and 202 upon satisfactory completion, with a grade of “C” or better, of a 300- or 400-level course.

Students who do not place at the 300-level on a foreign language placement exam must take the necessary three credit hours to satisfy the foreign language for the Core Global Studies requirement.