Communication B.A. Degree

The communication program is an interdisciplinary major based in business and the liberal arts. Designed to empower students through the growth of critical thinking and effective communication skills, the major emphasizes the development of professional level communication skills through engaged learning and high impact practices including study abroad, internships, service learning, undergraduate research, and creative projects. Students focus on understanding the communication challenges in the 21st century while learning how to effectively communicate across a variety of digital technologies and communication mediums.

The innovative and varied curriculum enhances and develops multi-dimensional communication skills including speaking, writing, and producing multimedia content. Theory and practice come to life in an individualized and challenging learning environment.

The coursework includes the integration of classroom instruction with pre-professional work experience through a variety of credit bearing student media practicum courses, classroom simulations, and internships.  Students also can participate in extra-curricular activities including communication professional organizations and Lambda Pi Eta, the national communications honor society. 

Graduates may enter many media-related fields including social media management, journalism, public relations, advertising, radio, television, content creation, management, marketing, and education. The communication program also provides a fine strong foundation for graduate study communication, leadership, business administration, library science, and law.

The courses in this major are designed to provide students with an understanding of professional practices and techniques applied in the major areas of media and communication. In addition to the Communication core, students will select upper-level electives to focus in one of three specializations: Multimedia Content Development, Strategic Communication and Marketing, or Strategic Social Media.

These available specializations are relevant to industry needs and will be attractive to prospective students. The job outlook for media and communication occupations is projected to grow 6 percent from 2021 to 2031. The job outlook for Advertising, Promotions, and Marketing managers is expected to grow 10 percent in the next decade. The job outlook for Broadcast, Sound, and Video Technicians also is 10 percent growth, while the outlook for Public Relations specialists is eight percent growth. With this major, graduate will be well positioned to qualified for these jobs and more. 

Major Requirements

Students majoring in communication must complete the 36-credit hour communication core and at least one nine hour communication specialization. A total of 45 credit hours is required for the communication major.

Students majoring in communication must complete the University Core and university Bachelor of Arts requirements, including the completion of a foreign language through the 202 level.

In addition, communication majors must complete the following Communication core and at least one of the required communication specializations. 

University Core

University Core Requirements


The following communication core courses must be taken:

COMM 101Introduction to Mass Communication and Society


COMM 201SIIntroduction to Public Speaking



MGT 308WSBusiness Communications


COMM 207WIOnline Newswriting


COMM 209History of Communication and Theory


COMM 215Introduction to Public Relations and Advertising


COMM 217Mobile and Social Media Video


MKG 301Principles of Marketing


COMM 325Social Media: Management and Strategy


COMM 332WISocial Media: Writing


COMM 401Communicating to Diverse Publics


COMM 455Communication Law and Ethics


COMM 390International Communication Internship



COMM 490Communication Internship


Total Credit Hours:36

Required Area of Specialization

Students must complete at least one of the following specializations listed below.

Multimedia Content Development

Students must complete at least nine (9) credits from the following course options:
MART 201Digital Art


ART 205Intro to Digital Photography



ART 206Intro to Film Photography


COMM 395Communication Practicum


COMM 397Communications Leadership Practicum


COMM 417Advanced Mobile and Social Media Video


COMM 452Special Topics in Communication


Total Credit Hours:9

Strategic Communication and Marketing

Students must complete at least nine (9) credits from the following course options:
COMM 302SIPersuasive Speaking



ENGL 302WIWriting: Exposition/Argumentation


COMM 395Communication Practicum


COMM 397Communications Leadership Practicum


COMM 416Social Media: Case Studies


COMM 452Special Topics in Communication


Any one course selected from upper-level MKG courses beyond DSIM-307 or MKG-301


Total Credit Hours:9

Strategic Social Media

Students must complete at least nine (9) credits from the following course options: 
COMM 395Communication Practicum


COMM 397Communications Leadership Practicum


COMM 416Social Media: Case Studies


COMM 417Advanced Mobile and Social Media Video


COMM 452Special Topics in Communication


Total Credit Hours:9

Total Credit Hours: 120



  • Students entering the University with the AA degree must take a foreign language through the 202 level.
  • Course COMM 201SI can be used by any University student to fulfill the requirement for a speech intensive course.
  • Students majoring in communication must earn a "C" grade or better in all communication core courses.
  • A grade of "C" or better must be earned in all prerequisite communication courses before taking a course with the stated prerequisite.
  • Students are encouraged to develop minors or second majors in other fields including but not limited to English, foreign languages and literature, humanities, philosophy, business, art, sociology, psychology, political science, history or theatre. These secondary areas of study should be chosen in consultation with an academic advisor.
  • No more than 4 credits of any combination of COMM 395: Communication Practicum and COMM 397: Communication Leadership Practicum may count toward the communication degree requirements.
  • Students majoring in communication may complete more than one specialization, including the Strategic Social Media track. However, communication majors may not earn the certificate or minor in Strategic Social Media.