School of Business and Communication

School of Business & Communication Majors

Accounting B.B.A. Degree

Business Administration B.B.A. Degree

Business Analytics B.B.A. Degree

Communication B.A. Degree

Finance B.B.A. Degree

FinTech B.B.A. Degree

Healthcare Administration

International Business B.B.A. Degree

Management B.B.A. Degree

Marketing B.B.A. Degree

Sport Business B.B.A. Degree




Business Administration (for non-business majors)

Business Analytics






Sport Business

Sport Communication

Strategic Social Media



Digital Business Transformation

Strategic Social Media

BBA Core Requirements for all Business Majors

The BBA core builds competencies in the areas most in demand by industry.  Hence, the required BBA core courses are offered in four categories: Quantitative Knowledge, Societal Impact, Professional and Interpersonal Skills, and Technological Agility. 

The following courses are required:


Quantitative Knowledge

MATH 112

Modern Applications of Mathematics


ECON 201

Principles of Macroeconomics


ECON 202

Principles of Microeconomics


ACCT 201

Principles of Accounting I


ACCT 202

Principles of Accounting II


FIN 301

Corporate Finance



Societal Impact

PHIL 212



INB 303

Competing in the Global Envir


MGT 321

The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business


MGT 432

Business Strategy and Venture Development



Professional and Interpersonal Skills

MKG 301

Principles of Marketing



Business Communications


MGT 310

Organizational Behavior & Leadership Skills


MGT 320





Technological Agility

DSIM 201

Business Statistics



Applied Bus and Econ Analysis


DSIM 305

Quantitative Business Methods


DSIM 350

Project and Operations Management


DSIM 370

Management of Info Technology



Total Credit Hours: 57


Accounting majors take ACCT 370 instead of DSIM 370.

Sport Business majors take SPO 301 instead of FIN 301 and take SPO 370 instead of DSIM 370.

MATH 112MATH 112 or MATH 140 or a (MATH) course that includes calculus will fulfill this core requirement.

ACCT 201ACCT 202MGT 308WSMGT 321DSIM 203RIECON 201ECON 202MATH 112 and DSIM 201: A “C” (2.0) or better is required in each of these BBA core courses in order to use these courses as part of the core requirement for all business majors.

MGT 432 should be taken only when a student has attained senior status.


See the Course Descriptions section in this catalog for prerequisite information.


BBA Internship Requirements for all Business Majors


Internships are an opportunity for students to earn academic credit through the application of knowledge and practice of skills in a professional setting for a fixed-term.  Internships are a pathway to success and often lead to permanent employment, with almost 80% of eligible interns receiving a permanent job offer (NACE, 2021).  Students are encouraged to complete multiple internships with increasing levels of responsibility during their time in college, starting as early as Freshmen year.            


Internships may be completed for academic credit or for zero credit.  Most internships for credit can be counted toward major requirements for students in the BBA program (please see your advisor before registering to understand how your internship will count toward degree requirements).     


Business undergraduate internships carrying academic credit are subject to the following criteria. (These requirements do not apply to a zero credit hour internship).


Applicants must:

  • Earn a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 or have departmental approval.
  • Have a supervisor in the organization.
  • Work with the DCOBT Internship Coordinator as faculty sponsor or secure another full-time DCOBT faculty member to sponsor the internship.
  • Write a reflection paper to connect knowledge learned in the classroom to internship experience and examine resulting personal and professional growth.


Additional Information:

  • Students must register for the internship prior to the beginning of the semester when the internship starts
  • Typically, a semester long internship (15 weeks), working 9 hours per week equates to earning three (3) credit hours for the internship.  In other words, each 45 hours worked equates to earning one (1) credit hour for the internship.
  • Internship credit hour ranges from one (1) to a maximum of six (6) credit hours per semester.
  • Applying internship credit hours within a major is at the discretion of the department chair.  A three (3) credit hour internship can fulfill the required business elective in most DCOBT majors. No more than 12 internship credit hours can be earned and applied toward the fulfillment of the 120 credit hours required for a degree.
  • Accounting majors should consult state licensing rules to ensure internship credits apply toward CPA licensure.