CS 345SI Network Security

Topics include router and switch architecture, firewall, host security, authentication, cryptography, email security, denial of service attack. Wireless and mobile security topics are also covered. This course is speech intensive with instruction on presentation strategies.

After completing this course, students should be able to:
1. Describe cyber defense tools, methods, and components and apply cyber defense methods to prepare a system to repel attacks.
2. Describe potential system attacks and the actors that might perform them  Describe the key concepts in network defense (defense in depth, minimizing exposure, etc.).
3. Explain how network defense tools (firewalls, IDS, etc.) are used to defend against attacks and mitigate vulnerabilities.
4. Analyze how security policies are implemented on systems to protect a network.
5. Evaluate how network operational procedures related to network security.
6. Monitor systems for anomalies, proper updating, and patching.




CS-341 with a minimum grade of C-