D. Grade Normalization

D. Grade Normalization

Except as addressed in subparagraphs 1) and 2) of this section, and absent both extraordinary circumstances and the express approval of the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, all College of Law courses are subject to the College of Law’s 4.0 scale will be graded based on an average (mean) between 2.70 and 3.10. Exceptions are set forth in subparagraphs 1) and 2) of this section. Exception may also be made upon request of the professor and with written approval of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, based on a finding of good cause. The Associate Dean’s decision on such a request shall be final.

Any grades submitted by an instructor that do not conform to this policy will be returned to the instructor with instructions to recalculate the grades. If the grades are not recalculated by the instructor in accordance with this policy before the grading deadline, then the original grades will be adjusted (i.e., re-curved) by the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs to conform to the policy.

  1. Absent both extraordinary circumstances and the express approval of the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, the following elective courses, if subject to the College of Law’s 4.0 scale, will be graded based on an average (mean) grade between 2.90 and 3.35: (a) any course with a scheduled maximum enrollment of 20 or fewer students, (b) any course with 20 or fewer students at the end of the add/drop period, and (c) any course that satisfies a skills or advanced writing requirement.
  2. In calculating the course averages (means) described in Paragraphs 1. and 2., any grades of 1.0 or below shall not be included in the calculation. In any required course, an instructor may not assign a failing grade (1.0 or 0.0) to more than 5% of the class without the express approval of the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs.