C. Maximum Credit Hours

C. Maximum Credit Hours

The maximum number of credit hours for full-time students is set in accordance with the ABA standard that prohibits students from enrolling in coursework that would exceed 20 percent (18 credits) of the total coursework required for graduation. Without permission from the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, a full-time student may not enroll in more than 15 credit hours in a fall or spring semester, or more than nine summer credit hours.

A full-time student must take the assigned, required courses during the first two semesters and may not take additional courses during the first fall or spring semester except in extraordinary circumstances and with approval of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. A student who is in the first year and seeks to take an additional class should submit the request in writing to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. The request should identify the course in which the student hopes to enroll and should explain in detail the reasons why the overload should be granted. The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, in their sole discretion, will determine whether the request should be granted.