F. Drop Add

F. Drop/Add


(1)           General Deadline and Policies. The general drop/add deadlines for the Fall, Spring, Winter and Summer semesters are listed on the official Jacksonville University academic calendar, which is maintained by the Registrar’s Office.

A student may not add a course if the number of classes already missed equals or exceeds the number of absences a student is allowed under the applicable the attendance policy or the attendance rules in the professor’s syllabus, whichever is most strict.

The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs holds the sole discretion to allow a student to drop or be dropped for a first-year required core course. A student will be granted permission to drop only in extraordinary circumstances, or as may be required by applicable law.

If a student drops a course before the drop/add deadline, the course will not appear on the student’s transcript.

(2)           Administrative Drops. Students are expected to attend the first-class session of each course for which they are registered. A student will be automatically dropped from the course if they fail to attend the first-class session unless the student first notified the faculty member of their anticipated absence. If agreed upon by the Registrar and the professor, a student dropped from a course in this manner may be re-added if the student can still meet the attendance requirements for the class and the course does not have a wait list. If the course has a wait list, the student will be placed at the end of that list and will only be added if space allows. 

(3)           Experiential Learning Credits. The last day a student may drop an experiential learning credit will be prescribed in the experiential learning application and policies. A student may not add or drop an experiential learning credit without the written permission of the supervising faculty member.

(4)           Dropping a Course After the Deadline. A student may not drop a course after the relevant drop/add deadline; however, the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs may, upon a showing of good cause, allow a student to withdraw from a class after the drop/add period in accordance with the Course Withdrawals policy.

(5) Financial Aid Impact. Dropping a class can affect financial-aid eligibility. When aid eligibility depends on minimum enrollment under Jacksonville University’s Financial Aid policy, aid disbursement can be delayed until enrollment at the requisite level is verified and the drop/add period has passed. Students are urged to meet with a representative from the Office of Financial Aid to understand how specific schedule changes can affect their aid.