D. Course Withdrawal

D. Course Withdrawal


(1)           Student-Initiated Course Withdrawal. A student may not withdraw from a required course without the written permission of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Permission to withdraw from a required course will be granted only in extraordinary circumstances, or as may be required by applicable law. The Associate Dean’s decision may not be appealed to the faculty or any faculty committee.

After the relevant drop/add deadline, a student may withdraw from an elective course only with the permission of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. To withdraw, the student must submit a written request to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and demonstrate good cause why the request should be granted. The Associate Dean’s decision may not be appealed to the faculty or any faculty committee.

Students enrolled in experiential learning credits should consult with the director or faculty advisor for that specific program before submitting a request to withdraw to the Associate Dean.

After the relevant drop/add period, but during the semester in which a student expects to graduate, a student may withdraw from any course not needed to fulfill a graduation requirement, in accordance with the following guidelines:

a.     any experiential learning course must have the written permission of the faculty advisor or program director,

b.     the course is not need to fulfill an aspect of academic probation,

c.     the request to withdraw is submitted in accordance with the Registrar’s withdrawal deadlines, and

d.     the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs concurs in the request.

(2)           Administrative Course Withdrawal. Under certain circumstances approved by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, and in consultation with the instructor of record, the College of Law may administratively withdraw a student from one or more courses.

(3)           Transcript Notation. When a student withdraws or is withdrawn from a course after the relevant drop/add deadline, the course name and a grade of “W” will appear on the student’s transcript. In extraordinary circumstances, the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, in conjunction with the Registrar, can approve a different transcript notation.

(4)           Impact of a Withdrawal. A course withdrawal, whether student-initiatied or administrative, may affect the student’s status to remain in the United States pursuant to USCIS guidelines.