AIC Hearing Panel Jurisdiction

AIC Hearing Panels have jurisdiction over one issue and one issue alone: determining whether accused students should be held responsible for committing the particular act(s) of academic misconduct related to the warning or the citation alleged by the instructor. AIC Hearing Panels have no jurisdiction over the penalties imposed for violations, or whether the act in question merits a warning or a citation for academic misconduct.

Only the instructor’s dean has the right to change a citation to a warning. His or her decision on this matter is final. If a student who has admitted an act of academic misconduct or been found to have committed such an act by a n AIC Hearing Panel should wish to contest the severity of a course-level penalty imposed by an instructor (on the basis that the penalty was not in accordance with the instructor’s stated syllabus policies), that student would need to follow the process outlined in the “Standard Procedures for Appeals of Grades and Sanctions” section of the Academic Catalog.