Student Notification

Once the instructor’s dean or designee has received the Academic Misconduct Notification Form from the instructor, if the course-level penalty assigned by the instructor is failure for the course, the instructor’s dean is to inform the Registrar to place an “Academic Hold” to prevent the student from withdrawing from the course in question.

If the instructor has indicated “WARNING” only on the Academic Misconduct Notification Form, that instructor’s judgment is to be respected. If the instructor marks “CITATION,” however, the instructor’s dean has the right to lessen that to a “WARNING” if, in his or her judgment, the infraction fits the guidelines for a warning. Again, these guidelines include any of the following circumstances:

  • The affected assignment amounted to 5% or less of the total grade in the course.
  • An act of plagiarism occurred due to a technicality and was likely unintentional.
  • Mitigating circumstances suggests that the act of misconduct was not an overt attempt to gain an unfair advantage.

The instructor’s dean or designee is then to ascertain whether or not this is the student’s first offense, so that he or she can accurately communicate to the student what the university penalty will be if the student chooses to admit committing the act in question. Once this determination is made, the instructor’s dean or designee is to notify the student by email.

  • After receiving the Academic Misconduct Notification Form from the instructor, the instructor’s dean or designee is to notify the student what the course- and university-level penalties will be if the student admits to the act of academic misconduct described in the Academic Misconduct Notification Form previously submitted by the instructor. The instructor’s dean or designee is to inform the student of the following options (only if an Academic Misconduct Notification Form is submitted by the instructor): 1) admit committing the act in question and accept the course- and university-level penalties, 2) accept the penalties without an admission of misconduct, or 3) request a hearing with the Academic Integrity Council.
  • The instructor’s dean or designee may advise the student to seek counsel from a faculty advisor, coach, and/or administrator.
  • The instructor’s dean or designee is to inform the student that he or she has seven (7) business days from the postmark date (or email time stamp) of this notification to request a hearing with the Academic Integrity Council, or the student will be presumed guilty of committing the violation.