AIC Hearing Panel Attendants

AIC Hearings are to be closed from the public. Only the following people are to be allowed to attend:

  • The Chair of the AIC, who is to preside over the proceedings, but not have a vote in determining the outcome.
  • The members of the Hearing Panel, chosen by the AIC Chair
  • The accused student, who may elect to be accompanied by an advisor of his/her choosing. The advisor must be a member of the University community (i.e., a current student, faculty, or staff member) and may not be an attorney for, or a parent of, the accused student. The accused student is responsible for presenting his/her own information, and therefore, advisors are not permitted to speak or to participate directly in the hearing. If the student is unable to attend the hearing, he or she may opt to submit a written statement for review by the panel.
  • The instructor.
  • Witnesses, if relevant, admitted at the sole discretion of the AIC Chair.

The instructor is strongly encouraged to attend the hearing.