Technical Certificate Programs Catalog 2021-2022

Class Attendance

Regular class attendance and meeting the requirements established for courses offered by non-traditional modalities are considered by the University as essential elements of the educational process. For this reason, class attendance is required of every student registered in courses requiring their presence. In the same manner, the fulfillment of requirements is compulsory for all courses offered by non-traditional modalities. Student participation in institutional activities will be considered a valid excuse for not attending class. Students are responsible for completing course requirements as stipulated in the course syllabus.

Students, who during the period established in the academic calendar, have never attended a course, will be dropped administratively. This includes courses offered by nontraditional modalities.

The last date of class attendance will be used to determine the applicable refund for students who stop attending class without officially withdrawing. This arrangement is established in harmony with University regulations.

Attendance Policy in the Certificate Level Academic Programs with Clock Hours

Federal regulations require that students in academic programs measured in clock hours comply with the total of hours required in the term. In this way, they can maintain their eligibility to receive federal funds during the next payment period or term of study in which they study. Students who are absent will have to make up all the hours of the academic term in which they were enrolled, prior to the beginning of the following academic term in which they register or before receiving additional federal funds.

However, students who present a justification in writing, in which they explain the reason why they could not attend classes, are not required to make up the hours, if the time in which they were absent does not exceed 10% of the hours programmed for the academic term in which they were registered. For example, if the total of hours of the academic term is 450 hours and the student did not complete them, he can request that he be exempt from making up the time and continue receiving federal aid, if the absence does not exceed 45 hours.

The absences may be justified for the following reasons:

  • Illness of the student
  • Illness or death of near relative
  • Transportation problem
  • Problem with the care of child (children)
  • Pressing economic situations
  • Appointments in governmental or private agencies
  • Appointments or visits to courts
  • Maternity
  • Military exercises
  • Participation as a jury member

The director of the program, as well as the registrar or the dean of studies may evaluate any other situation that the student presents, for which it is understood that an absence is justified.