The Foundational Curriculum Courses

Requirements of the Foundational Curriculum

First Year Seminar

    FYSM 1300 First-Year Seminar*

*FYSM not for transfer students. First-time freshmen only.

Biblical/Christian Studies

Six credit hours (2 courses) from:

    BIBL 1301 Old Testament Survey

    BIBL 1302 New Testament Survey

    RELI 2345 The Religious & Philosophical Life


Six credit hours (2 courses) from:

    ENGL 1301 Freshman Writing I

    ENGL 1302 Freshman Writing II

    ENGL 3300 Writing as Discovery: Adv. Writing


Three credit hours (1 course)

  COMM 1301 Speech Communication


Three credit hours (1 course) in U.S. History, HIST 1300 Making History: The Human Experience in America recommended


Three credit hours (1 course) from:

    ENGL 2301 World Literature

    ENGL 2302 English Literature

    ENGL 2303 American Literature

Fine Arts

Three credit hours in Art, Theatre, or Music


    KINE 1170 Wellness for Life

Two single-credit hour KINE activity courses


Three credit hours (1 course) as required by major

Natural Science

Three credit hours (1 course) in Biology or Environmental Science

Physical Science

Three credit hours (1 course) in Chemistry, Geology, Physical Science, or Physics

Science Lab

One credit hour lab for either science course

Social Sciences

Six credit hours (2 courses) from Economics, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, or Sociology; for BA & BBS must be from outside the major & minor; if degree calls for more than six credit hours, History may be used after the first 2 courses.

Technological Competency

Three credit hours (1 course). In order for a student at HSU to be considered technologically competent, he or she must have familiarity with the basic terms, tools, and concepts of information technology and operating systems and have ability to use applications software such as internet browsers, word processing software, presentation software, spreadsheets, and other applications appropriate to the student’s field of study. In many degrees, successfully completing CSCI 1303 Introduction to Computer Applications will fulfill this requirement. Alternatively, students may use the departmental technological proficiency exam, offered by the Kelley College of Business and Professional Studies, to show proficiency in this competency, although no course credit will awarded, and students still must complete a minimum of 120 hours.

Exceptions include teacher certification programs, which require EDUC 1306; the Department of Art, which requires ART 2321 for Graphic Arts majors; Biology, which may use BIOL 4314 (only to be taken after the Genetics course is complete); Strategic Communication, which may use COMM 1310; Criminal Justice, which may substitute CSCI 1306; Computer Science non-business degrees, which require CSCI 1320; the Psychology major which requires PSYC 4335; Music degrees, which require MUTC 2338; and Kinesiology, Health and Recreation majors, which requires KINE 1301. Other exceptions may exist; consult specific program areas to determine the appropriate course in each major for meeting this competency.