Teacher Education Information

HSU maintains a liberal arts emphasis, and within this framework, stressing sound academic foundations, the teacher education program functions. The University believes that the best form of such education is that which can be pursued under the guidance of Christian teachers in an environment that emphasizes moral and spiritual values. With this in mind, the University makes available its facilities to prepare students to be effective teachers in early childhood, elementary, middle, and secondary schools.

The Irvin School of Education has the right to alter the teacher preparation program to meet Texas Education Agency/State Board for Educator Certification policies at any time. Students will be expected to abide by changes as they occur.

Accountability -

In 1995, the Texas Legislature mandated the Accountability System for Educator Preparation (ASEP) to ensure the quality of educator preparation programs in Texas. The law requires the TEA/SBEC to annually accredit each program based on the performance of its students. The TEA/SBEC, Office of Accountability has assigned Hardin-Simmons University Irvin School of Education teacher preparation program a rating of “Accredited” under the Accountability System for Educator Preparation authorized by Texas  Education Code 21.045 every year since rating of teacher preparation entities has been assigned.

Teacher Education Preparation Levels

Hardin-Simmons University offers teacher preparation for the following certification levels:

Early Childhood – Grade 6
   Interdisciplinary Generalist EC-6 B.S.H.S.
Grades 4 - 8 Middle Grades
   English Language Arts and Reading 4-8 B.B.S
   English Language Arts and Reading/ Social Studies 4-8 B.B.S.
   General Science 4-8 B.B.S.
   Mathematics 4-8 B.B.S
Grades 6-12
   Physical Sciences (Composite) 6-12 B.S.
Grades 7 – 12 Secondary Grades
   English Language Arts and Reading 7-12 B.S.H.S.
   History 7-12 B.A.
   History 7-12 B.B.S.
   Life Science (Composite) 7-12 B.A.
   Life Science (Composite) 7-12 B.S.
   Mathematics 7-12 B.B.S.
   Science (Composite) 7-12 B.S.
   Social Studies (Composite) 7-12 B.B.S.
Early Childhood - Grade 12 (EC-12)
   Art EC-12 B.A.
   Music Education (Choral) EC-12 B.M.
   Music Education (Instrumental) EC-12 B.M.
   Theatre EC-12 B.A.
   Theatre EC-12 B.F.A
   Special Education Supplemental Certificate EC-12
   English as a Second Language Supplemental Certificate EC-12

Teacher Education Information

General Provisions - During the freshman and sophomore years, all potential teacher education candidates take a common program of academic foundations. Throughout the undergraduate program, students depend upon the major departments and on the faculty of the Irvin School of Education for the general coordination of the program.

Admission - Admission to the teacher education program of the University is by application to the Associate Dean of the Kelley College of Business and Professional Studies. Students desiring to enter the teacher education program must confer with the Certification Officer of the Irvin School of Education, Abilene Hall Room 105.

A candidate for admission must complete the Application for Admission to Teacher Education and must meet all University approved standards to be admitted to the teacher preparation program including, but not limited to the following:

  • Completed application for admission
  • Minimum Overall earned GPA – minimum 2.8
  • Proficiency in reading
  • Proficiency in mathematics
  • Proficiency in writing
  • Proficiency in oral communication – A or B in COMM 1301 Speech Communication
  • Minimum 12 semester credits completed in subject-content teaching field.
  • Minimum 15 hours for Math & Science Majors.
  • Degree plan on file
  • Essay (see application for details)
  • Three favorable evaluation forms completed by HSU faculty on file
  • Official verification by Certification Officer of all requirements met prior to submission of the application to the teacher preparation program and to enrolling in any professional development courses (EDUC prefix).
  • Signed affirmation: Texas Code of Ethics
  • Approval by the HSU Teacher Education Council

Admission policy and standards for admission are available upon request in the Office of the Certification Officer Abilene Hall 105. Students who plan to make application to the teacher preparation program are encouraged to obtain the admission policy and standards for admission as early as possible to avoid delays in the admission process. Transfer and post-baccalaureate students must satisfy all admission requirements. When the completed application has been filed in the Office of the Associate Dean (Abilene Hall 108), it will be reviewed, approved, or not approved by the University Teacher Education Council. Candidates will be notified by mail of the council’s approval or non-approval for the HSU teacher preparation program. Approved candidates are eligible to begin professional development courses (EDUC). Any communication deficiency detected during the teacher preparation program must be remediated, or if the student has previously undergone speech/communication disorder therapy, he/she must continue in prescribed therapy until graduation.

If a student has not met admission requirements by the time he/she has completed 54 semester credits, he/she will be advised to not continue taking courses that apply only to teacher preparation. If a student has not met admission requirements by the time he/she has completed 66 semester credits, he/she will be advised to select a non-teacher preparation major. If at a later time admission requirements are met, the student may apply for admission and if approved may resume taking courses in the teacher preparation program. Education students not admitted to teacher preparation by 66 hours, will most likely delay their graduation date. The university is not required to offer courses out of order nor is it required to allow students to take courses out of order.

A student who has been admitted to the teacher education program must meet and maintain approved program benchmarks throughout the program. A description of the approved benchmarks and the TEA Code of Ethics are included with the Application for Admission to the Hardin-Simmons University Teacher Education Program or may be obtained in the Associate dean’s office in Abilene Hall Room 108.

The Associate Dean of the Irvin School of Education will monitor students’ progress in maintaining benchmarks. Upon the recommendation of the Associate Dean of the Irvin School of Education, the Teacher Education Council may designate a student’s program status as probationary for a period of one long semester if the student fails to meet or maintain program benchmarks. A student on probationary status who fails to meet or maintain all program benchmarks by the end of the probationary period will be dismissed from the teacher education program by the Teacher Education Council. Students placed on probationary status or dismissed from the teacher education program will be notified in writing. The student may appeal a dismissal decision by the Teacher Education Council to the University Provost. That decision will be final. Once admitted in teacher preparation, a student can only be on probation one time. A second failure to meet benchmarks at any point in the program will result in permanent dismissal from HSU teacher prep.

If a member of the Hardin-Simmons University faculty believes that a student exhibits behavior or characteristics detrimental or not conducive to performance as a teacher, the professor shall raise the matter with the chairperson of the Irvin School of Education. The Associate Dean shall then inform the student of the behavior or characteristics the faculty member believes is detrimental or not conducive to performance as a teacher. The chairperson of the Irvin School of Education shall then send a written statement to the student and the Teacher Education Council delineating the behavior or characteristics detrimental or not conducive to performance as a teacher. The Teacher Education Council shall review the documentation and other pertinent information and determine an appropriate action pertaining to approval or non-approval of the student into the Hardin-Simmons University teacher education program. If previously admitted, a student’s retention, conditional retention, or dismissal from the teacher education program will be determined by the Teacher Education Council. A record of the Teacher Education Council’s decision shall be retained in the student’s education program file and written notification of the action taken shall be sent to the Associate Dean of the Irvin School of Education, the student, and his/her academic advisor. The student may appeal the action of the Teacher Education Council pertaining to admission, retention, conditional retention, or dismissal to the University Provost/Chief Academic Officer.

Any conduct or deportment not in harmony with that encouraged by University standards (see University Student Handbook) may constitute grounds for dismissal from the teacher education program. Additionally, the Texas Education Agency (TEA)/State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) is responsible for disciplining educators, applicants for certification, and examinees taking certification exams, for conduct indicating unsuitability to instruct as well as unethical conduct. HSU and the SBEC will enforce the Educator’s Code of Ethics. (Code may be reviewed at www.sbec.state.tx.us or a copy will be provided upon request in the Associate Dean’s office.)
de of Ethics. (Code may be reviewed at www.sbec.state.tx.us or a copy will be provided upon request in the dean’s office.)

Field-Based Education - - The HSU Teacher Education Program is required by Texas Administrative Code to include field-basing within the teacher preparation program. Those courses that have a field-based component are identified within the course description. Field-based means that during the semester a portion of the course will involve interacting with public school students and teachers at a public school site. Students are required to make their own transportation arrangements to and from the public school site.

Student Teaching - The final dates for making application for student teaching are October 1 and March 1, for the spring and fall semesters, respectively.

Prior to beginning student teaching, the student must meet grade point average requirements for (1) area(s) of preparation/teaching field(s), (2) overall, and (3) pedagogy and professional development. The student must not have a grade below C in his/her teaching field and pedagogy and professional development. If, when the Associate Dean of the Irvin School of Education reviews the final transcript immediately prior to the student teaching semester, there is a “D” in a teaching field(s) or professional development course, the dean, in consultation with the Teacher Education Council, will determine the student teaching status of the student. The Associate Dean will provide the student, in writing, the determination of the Council.

The maximum course load a student may carry during the semester of student teaching is 12 semester credits.

Student teaching will involve a semester, all-day experience. The Student Teaching Handbook provides the guidelines and is the official syllabus for student teaching. Students MAY NOT return to campus during the teaching day to take classes, attend meetings, rehearsals, etc. Students should plan with their advisors so that classes will not conflict with the all-day student teaching assignment.

If a student does not complete student teaching with a grade of Satisfactory during his or her initial enrollment and does wish to repeat the student teaching course(s), the student must petition the Teacher Education Council in writing for the right to repeat the student teaching course(s). The student should explain how he/she intends to eliminate any deficiencies which prevented the student from initially earning the grade of Satisfactory. The Teacher Education Council shall meet with the student and may consider written or oral information provided by individuals who previously supervised the student or have knowledge regarding the student’s unsatisfactory student teaching performance. The Teacher Education Council may grant or deny permission for the student to repeat student teaching. A record of the Council’s decision shall be provided in writing to the student. The student may appeal the decision of the Teacher Education Council to the University Provost. Absent extremely unusual and extenuating circumstances, no student shall be allowed to enroll in student teaching through Hardin-Simmons University a third time.

Certification –Not withstanding the fact that a candidate has been retained in teacher education to the point of completing all academic requirements, University recommendation for certification of the candidate is contingent upon evidence of having fulfilled all requirements and standards of the teacher education program of the university. This is determined by a final review of the candidate’s complete record as concerns: (1) academic record, (2) student teaching, (3) professional ethics, (4) passing the state mandated credentialing exams, and (5) completed fingerprinting.

No student is eligible to be recommended for certification if he/she has a grade of D or unsatisfactory in his/her area (s) of preparation/teaching field (s),, or in any course in pedagogy and professional development. Certification and/or eligibility for certification are NOT requirements for graduation.

Application for certification must be made through the office of the University Certification Officer, Irvin School of Education. It is the responsibility of each student to file a request for a teaching certificate. All certification requirements are subject to TEA/SBEC standards, rules, and regulations.

To be approved for a standard renewable certificate in the state of Texas, students shall be required to achieve a satisfactory level of performance on one or more examinations in the areas of preparation. The content to be tested and the criteria for mastery shall be prescribed for each certification area by the TEA/SBEC. Those who pass the required credentialing exams, have successfully completed the HSU teacher preparation program, and have graduated will be eligible to be recommended to the TEA/SBEC for teacher certification.

The Texas Commissioner of Education has the authority to suspend, revoke, or refuse to issue a teaching certificate for a person who has been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor. The TEA/SBEC will conduct a criminal record search of all certificate applicants.

Complaint Procedure

  1. A formal written complaint may be filed by submitting a completed Formal Student Complaint Form to the Associate Dean of the Irvin School of Education . The form should be completed in its entirety including a description of the complaint, the date(s) on which the problem became evident, and a description of the desired outcome.
  2. If the matter is a course concern, the Associate Dean will set up a meeting between the student and the professor involved within ten (10) working days to begin the resolution process. If the concern is program related, the Associate Dean will arrange a meeting with the student and the faculty member and/or Associate Dean whose responsibilities include that part of the program. In all cases, the Dean’s Administrative Assistant will be present to keep accurate minutes of the meeting.
  3. A copy of the form submitted by the student and the outcome of the meeting with the Associate Dean will be sent to the office of the Dean of the Kelley College of Business and Professional Studies.
  4. The office of the Dean will send a written acknowledgement of the receipt of the complaint to the student via University-provided email within three . working days of receipt.
  5. A copy of the form submitted by the student and the outcome of the meeting with the Associate Dean will be sent to the office of the Provost.
  6. If the matter is still not resolved in a satisfactory manner according to the complainant, the Provost/Chief Academic Officer may meet with all involved to try to come to an agreeable conclusion. The Provost may assign a special committee to rule on the complaint. The Provost will present a ruling on the complaint within 30 calendar days of receipt of the complaint. The Provost will inform the student making the complaint and notify the Dean of College ofKelley College of Business and Professional Studies in writing (may be via email) of the committee’s decision.

If the issue cannot be resolved internally through the Student Complaint process, a student may file a complaint with the Texas Education Agency directly.

TEA Complaints Management

1701 N. Congress Ave.

Austin, TX 78701-1494

Telephone: 512.463.3544 Fax: 512.475.3665

Email compaintsmanagement@tea.texas.gov

Website: http://tea.texas.gov/Texas_Educators/Preparation_and_Continuing_Education/Complaints_Against_Educator_Preparation_Programs

The Houston-Lantrip Center for Literacy and Learning

The Hardin-Simmons University Houston-Lantrip Center for Literacy and Learning is dedicated to providing support for individuals with dyslexia, autism spectrum disorders, and other learning differences through teacher education, professional development, community outreach, and parental resources.

The Center offers professional development and teacher training appropriate for teachers seeking a Master’s degree, classroom teachers, reading specialists, and special education teachers. In addition to teacher training, the Center serves as a resource to teachers and parents for current information relating to dyslexia and family literacy. The Center provides parent seminars where parents can learn motivating and practical ideas concerning how to help their children while remaining in the parental role.

Dyslexia Specialist Program

The Houston-Lantrip Center for Literacy and Learning’s Dyslexia Specialist Program provides extensive training in multisensory structured language education that is necessary for teaching dyslexic and struggling readers. This diagnostic teaching approach is appropriate for classroom teachers, reading specialists, special education teachers, and private dyslexia therapists. The program includes two courses: Introduction to Multisensory Language Instruction and Advanced Multisensory Language Instruction.

Introduction to Multisensory Language Instruction is an introduction to multisensory structured language education designed for individuals with dyslexia. This multisensory approach includes techniques for teaching phonological awareness, letter recognition, decoding, comprehension, spelling, grammar and written composition to dyslexic and struggling readers. The course also includes an overview of Texas dyslexia legislation. This course is a prerequisite for Advanced Multisensory Language Instruction.

Advanced Multisensory Language Instruction is open to those individuals who have successfully completed the introductory course. This course refines the diagnostic and prescriptive teaching skills introduced in the introductory course and includes continual assessment techniques and implementation of multisensory structured language curriculum in public and private practice.

The Dyslexia Specialist Program may lead to certification as a certified academic language therapist and a licensed dyslexia practitioner upon completion of additional requirements.

Special Education Supplemental Certificate EC-12

To add a supplemental special education certification to an initial Early Childhood - Grade 6, Grades 4-8, Grades 7-12, or EC-12 certification, the following courses are required EDUC 4341, 4342, and 4343 for a total of 9 credits. These 9 credits are in addition to the requirements of the HSU degree plan for the initial certification. Students may take the Supplemental Special Education TExES (163) in addition to their Content TExES and PPR TExES for their initial standard certificate or they may take it after the initial certification has been issued. The supplemental certificate allows the special education teacher to teach special education: 1. In the content field and level for which the teacher holds a standard certificate, 2. In a self-contained special education classroom at the level and in the content area of standard certification, or 3. In an inclusion classroom outside of the area of standard certification along side a duly certified teacher in that content field.


English As a Second Language Supplemental Certificate EC-12

Students who meet READ 4398 course requirements may take the Supplemental ESL TExES (154) in addition to the EC – 6 Core-Subjects and PPR TExES for their initial standard certificate or they may take it after initial certification has been issued by the Texas Education Agency/State Board for Educator Certification. Students preparing for the ESL certification must attend the HSU ESL seminar, practice online, and pass the practice Representative form to be recommended for ESL certification by Hardin-Simmons University. A Texas Examination of Educator Standards (TExES) Representative Form (ESL Practice Test) is available for students to take in the Kelley College of Business and Professional Studies Associate Dean’s office, Abilene Hall 108.
The supplemental certificate allows the English as a Second Language teacher to teach English as a Second Language in the content field and level for which the teacher holds a standard certificate.