Admission Procedures

Information may be obtained from the Office of Enrollment Services and the HSU website. Applicants will submit the following:

  1. Application: Application for undergraduate admission may be submitted online from the HSU website,
  2. Official High School Transcript: A transcript sent directly from the high school or accredited home-school program indicating graduation date. (No high school transcript is required of a student transferring at least 24 semester hours to HSU from an accredited junior or senior college.) The student’s academic ranking within his/her class should be indicated on the transcript. Tentative approval can be granted upon receipt of a three-year transcript. (Unaccredited home school programs see G.E.D and Tentative Admission Status.)
  3. Entrance Examination Scores: All entering freshmen must submit scores on either the American College Test (ACT) or the Scholastic Aptitude Test of the College Entrance Examination Board (SAT). It is the responsibility of the student to see that these scores are reported to the Office of Enrollment Services. (Scores are not required of individuals who qualify for Special Student Admission, nor from transfer students with 24 or more transferable hours from an accredited junior or senior college.) Applicants who have not taken the ACT or SAT examination will be required to take the ACT residual examination at HSU before acceptance.
  4. Admission Notification: After the University has received all materials, the applicant will be notified promptly concerning admission. Under certain conditions, tentative approval may be granted subject to a final decision to be made after the application process is complete. All materials submitted for admission purposes become the property of the University and will not be returned to the student.


Following admission approval students may pre-register for classes at designated times or by appointment. Prior to registration, all new students will pay an Enrollment Deposit of $300. The deposit is non-refundable after May 1 prior to the upcoming fall semester. (Short Term/Transient and Special Student statuses exempt).

Housing and Health

Admitted students may make online housing requests after they have received admission approval. For details, refer to the Student Life section of this catalogue.

Texas legislation requires that every new student enrolling in a Texas college or university submit documentation of Meningitis Vaccination, regardless of residency status. Vaccine must have been received no less than 10 days prior to attending class. Exemptions include students enrolled in online or other distance education, or students 22 years of age or older. Any exceptions must be approved by the Vice President for Student Life.

All single students under age 21 taking more than six semester hours, unless living with family, are required to live in a residence hall and to eat in the campus dining hall until the completion of four long semesters. (A long semester is equal to a fall or spring semester.)

Tutoring and Special Services

HSU provides all students with tutoring services through the Tutorial Center and/or particular academic departments at no charge. Students with learning disabilities will be encouraged to take advantage of these services. In addition, HSU will provide appropriate auxiliary aids and services, which reasonably accommodate learning disabilities. However, HSU does not offer separate degree plans for a program of remedial instruction designed for students with learning disabilities. Any person who has been accepted for admission to the University and who wishes to disclose his or her learning disability should complete the application process with the Office for Students with Disabilities.

A student who makes a disclosure of a disability has the legal responsibility to request any special accommodations in a timely manner, allowing reasonable time for the University to respond. The student has the additional responsibility to provide the institution with appropriate current (within a three-year period) documentation of the disabling condition. Completion of the required documentation is necessary in order to allow the University to determine reasonable accommodation of needs.

Students with disabilities admitted to HSU will be expected to meet the same academic and behavior requirements that are expected of all students at HSU.

International Students

All international students, except those who are permanent U.S. residents or who have immigrant status, must submit the following information before full consideration for admission will be given:

  1. An Undergraduate Admission Application.
  2. Official Transcripts in English of all academic work attempted (secondary and postsecondary). Some foreign transcripts may require evaluation by an agent such as World Education Services (WES). Additional documents may be submitted, such as final test results.
  3. Test Scores. Admission to the university requires satisfactory scores on (1) ACT or SAT and (2) TOEFL or IELTS.

    Minimum 1030 SAT or Minimum 20 ACT

    Minimum 79 TOEFL or Minimum 6.5 IELTS

    Transfer students from non-US colleges or universities must submit minimum TOEFL or IELTS scores. Students must take and pass the TOEFL if planning to enter the HSU Educator Preparation Program.

  4. Copy of valid passport.
  5. Statement of Purpose. Submit a one – two page essay demonstrating the purpose for study in the US.
  6.  Financial Affidavit. An official statement from family or sponsor indicating ability and willingness to assume all financial responsibilities while in the United States, including official bank statements and/or other requested substantiation of available resources
  7. Housing. Admitted students may make their online Housing Request after they are approved for admission. All single students under age 21 taking more than six semester hours, unless living with family, are required to live in a residence hall and to eat in the campus dining hall until the completion of four long semesters. (A long semester is equal to a fall or spring semester.)
  8. Health Form is required of all students. Students from some countries may be required to submit tuberculosis test results or a chest x-ray three months before entering the US. In addition, Texas law requires every new college student to submit documentation of Meningitis Vaccination as described above under Housing and Health.
  9. Health Insurance. International students must provide documentation of health care coverage.
  10. Enrollment Deposit. Each international student entering HSU will post a non-refundable three hundred dollar enrollment deposit (US $300) with the Business Office. A form I-20 will not be released to the admitted student until the deposit is recorded on the University ledgers.