CPC 612 Psychoeducational Assessment of Children and Adolescents II

This field assessment/practicum course focuses on application of knowledge and skills necessary to complete formal psycho-educational assessments of school-age children. Following the pre-requisite, CPC 611, students are expected to demonstrate higher learning and readiness for psychological assessment practice through critical evaluation and synthesis of relevant knowledge and application of ethical practices in the field. Students will continue to practice the administration, scoring and interpretation of the WISC-IV, the WIAT-III or WJ-III, and the BASC-2 with school-aged students referred for psychoeducational assessment. Under the supervision of registered psychologists, CPC 612 students will be expected to complete assessments with children and/or adolescents, consult with parents and school and/or other professional personnel, and provide appropriate written assessment reports.Prerequisites: CPC 525; CPC 611
