Admission Requirements Specific to Graduate Education Programs in the Albright School of Education (ASOE)

Graduate Degrees

Every applicant to the Master in Education (M.Ed.) and Master in Teaching (MIT) degree programs and to graduate certificate programs is required to hold a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution ( for the U.S.) or an institution recognized by the Ministry of Education (internationally). Applicants holding a bachelor’s degree of less than four years or who claim other exceptions to this policy may request special acceptance from the school dean. Please see the policy on special admission to graduate programs for students holding less than approved bachelor’s degrees.

Admissions Requirements for the Master in Teaching (MIT) Degree Program

Additional content specific admissions requirements are located in the Master in Teaching Admissions Packet which may be obtained via Admissions or the Master in Teaching program.

  1. At least 80 hours of supervised work with children during the past three years (ages birth -8 for BA-ECE; ages 4-14 for BA-ED
    • Elementary Ed; grades P-12 for BA-Ed-Special Ed, Reading, ELL, Math.) Time spent in an Introduction to Teaching course may count towards the 80 hours.
  2. Meet minimum passing score for all required credential tests as established by the Washington State Professional Educator Standards Board,
  3. Must meet the Washington State law standards of good moral character and personal fitness. This includes fingerprinting and background checks by law enforcement agencies.
  4. Application materials include:
    • Resume
    • Documentation of 80 hours of supervised work with children
    • Three references
  5. Written essay completed on-site
  6. Interview with program administrative faculty

Admissions Requirements for Certificate Program for Master in Teaching (MIT) Alternative Routes

  1. Bachelor of Arts degree or higher in high needs area
  2. Must meet criteria established by the Washington Educator Standards Board (PESB)for admission to the program.
  3. Passing scores on the Washington Educators Skills Test (WEST-E) or National Evaluation Series (NES) in the high needs content area(s), i.e., Special Education, English Language Learners, Middle Level Mathematics, Mathematics.
  4. Passing scores on each section of the Washington Educators Skills Test-Basic (WEST –B) or passing ACT/SAT sub- scores for Math, Reading and Writing, and National Evaluation Series (NES) exams #102 and #103 for dual endorsements including Elementary Education.
  5. Eighty hours documented, supervised experience working with children and/or adolescents
  6. Applicant must not have teaching certification from any state.

Admission Requirements for the Master in Education/Graduate Certificate programs

Professional certification programs may require additional documentation or academic credentials. Exceptions to these policies may be made by the dean.

Master of Education Educational Leadership Program Administrator/Graduate Certificate Program Administrators

  1. Must have masters or doctoral degree with cumulative GPA of 3.0 or a Bachelor degree with a cumulative GPA of 2.75;
  2. A hard copy front and back of a valid teaching of ESA certification;
  3. Completed “Verification of Prerequisite Teaching or ESA Experience” form;
  4. Provide a resume outline professional history and education;
  5. Provide responses to the 9 questions listed on the “Educational Leadership Program: Writing Assessment” form.
  6. Provide three (3) references with name, position/title, school/district/organization, email address and daytime phone numbers for the following:
    • Current supervisor (administrator who will serve as your mentor)
    • District or executive level administrator
    • Personal reference

Graduate Certificate: Executive Leadership Superintendent Certificate:

  1. A master degree or higher with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher
  2. A hard copy front and back of a valid state license of certification in one or more of the following areas:
    • Educational Staff Associate
    • Teaching
    • Program Administrator
    • Principal
    • Other License or certification from another state or licensing association.
  3. Possess three to five (3-5) years of successful experience as an administrator (school, business, government, military, or other profession).
  4. Provide three (3) references with name, position/title, school/district/organization, email address and daytime phone numbers for the following:
    • Current supervisor
    • District or executive level administrator
    • Personal reference
  5. Provide responses to the 9 questions listed on the “Educational Leadership Program: Executive Leadership Writing Assessment” form.

Note: Admissions to any program on a Non-degree seeking basis will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Exceptions to this policy may be made by the school dean.

Graduate Certificates

Professional certification programs may require additional documentation or academic credentials. Exceptions to this policy may be made by the school dean.