Admission Requirements Specific to Doctoral Programs

Students entering one of City University of Seattle’s Doctoral programs must meet the following admissions criteria:

  1. Hold a master’s degree from an accredited or otherwise recognized institution. Doctor of Business Administration applicants must have a master’s degree in the field of Business

    Note: for the Educational Leadership concentration the masters or doctoral degree must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.

  2. Provide a resume/C.V. that demonstrates two or more years in a leadership capacity.
  3. Provide three references with name, title, email, and phone contact information for professional, academic, or other associates who can attest to the student’s ability to be successful in a doctoral program.
    1. One reference must be a current supervisor
    2. For the Principal, Superintendent, and Program Administrator certifications, contained within the Doctor of Education Leadership Education Leadership program, a second reference must be an Executive/District Administrator.
  4. Submit responses to the Admissions Statement Questions.
  5. Provide proof of English proficiency according to established University policy.
  6. Complete an interview with a member of the program faculty. Note: You will be contacted to schedule an interview once all of the application materials have been submitted.

Upon inquiry to the program, the advisor and program faculty will work with the student to facilitate the process of collecting the required information for the application.