School of Arts



DR. NEAL A. PALMER, Chair of History & Political Science

DR. KAREN B. GOLIGHTLY, Chair of Literature & Languages

DR. MAUREEN O'BRIEN, Chair of Behavioral Sciences

DR. ROSETTA MAYFIELD-BURFORD, Director and Chair of Education

DR. JAMES B. WALLACE, Chair of Religion & Philosophy

MS. JANA B. TRAVIS, Chair of Visual & Performing Arts


Behavioral Sciences

TRACIE L. BURKE, Professor

BS, University of Montana; MS, MA, EdD, The University of Memphis

MARY F. CAMPBELL, Associate Professor

BS, MA, The University of Memphis, PhD, University of Alabama


PAUL M. DUNAWAY, Visiting Assistant Professor

BA, MS, PhD, The University of Memphis

M. KELLY JAMES, Assistant Professor

BA, MA, The University of Memphis; PhD, Louisiana State University

MAUREEN E. O’BRIEN, Associate Professor

BA, Christian Brothers University; MS, The University of Memphis;

PhD, University of North Carolina Greensboro

JEFFREY J. SABLE, Associate Professor

BA, Drury College; MS, Kansas State University; PhD, University of Missouri-Columbia

COLBY D. TAYLOR, Assistant Professor

BA, MS, PhD, The University of Memphis

RODNEY J. VOGL, Professor

BS, University of Iowa; MS, PhD, Kansas State University





BSBA, University of Tennessee; MAT, EdD, The University of Memphis

CORT CASEY, Associate Professor

BBA, University of Mississippi, MAT; University of West Alabama; EdD, The University of Memphis



BA, University of Tennessee, Martin; MS, University of Tennessee, Martin; EdD, University of Mississippi

CATHY D. MEREDITH, Associate Professor

BS, University of Tennessee, Martin; MS, Memphis State University; EdD, The University of Memphis

RICHARD POTTS, Associate Professor

BA, Southern Illinois University; MEd, MA, and EdD, The University of Memphis

LAVERN TERRELL, Associate Professor

BM, Samford University; MA, Clark Atlanta University; EdD, East Tennessee State University

NANCY WILDER, Associate Professor

BS, MEd, The University of Memphis


History & Political Science


BA University of Louisiana-Lafayette; MA, Stephen F. Austin State University; PhD, Louisiana State University


BA Bard College, MA, PhD University of California San Diego

KARL A. LEIB, Associate Professor

BA, SUNY Albany; MA, SUNY Albany, PhD, Syracuse University

NEAL A. PALMER, Associate Professor

BS, Vanderbilt University; MA, The University of Memphis; PhD, University of Rochester


Literature & Languages

KEVIN M. CHOVANEC, Assistant Professor
BA, Marquette University, MA, University of Chicago, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

JACOB GOESSLING, Visiting Assistant Professor
BA, MA, University of Louisville; PhD, Carnegie Mellon University

KAREN B. GOLIGHTLY, Associate Professor

BA, Rhodes College; M.F.A., University of Memphis; PhD, Southern Illinois University

FEDERICO C. GOMEZ UROZ, Assistant Professor

BS, MS, University of Granada, Spain; MA, The University of Memphis

JEFFREY GROSS, Associate Professor

BA, Canisius College; MA, Indiana State University; PhD, University of Kentucky


GAVIN JOHNSON, Assistant Professor
BA, Nicholls State University; MA North Carolina State University; PhD, The Ohio State University

KARYNA E. McGLYNN, Assistant Professor

BA, Seattle University; MFA, University of Michigan; PhD, University of Houston 


BA, Blue Mountain College; MA, PhD, Old Dominion University

JULIETTE M. PAUL, Associate Professor

BA, Providence College; MA, PhD, University of Missouri

TAWNY LEBOUEF TULLIA, Assistant Professor

BFA, University of Louisiana at Lafayette; MA, PhD, Texas Woman's University

SARAH K. WOODS, Instructor

BA, MA, University of Mississippi


Religion & Philosophy

R. BRUCE CINQUEGRANI, Visiting Assistant Professor

BA, Assumption College; MDiv, St. Meinrad School of Theology; MA, University of Notre Dame; DMin, Barry University

J. BURTON FULMER, Associate Professor

BA, Georgetown University; MA, George Mason University; PhD, Vanderbilt University

SCOTT D. GEIS, Professor

BA, Bethel College; MDiv, Bethel Theological Seminary; MTh, Duke University;

PhD, Marquette University

PAUL A. HAUGHT, Professor

BA, Georgetown University; MA, University of North Texas; PhD, Tulane University

EMILY A. HOLMES, Associate Professor

BA, Tulane University; MPhil, University of Cambridge; MTS, Harvard University; PhD, Emory University

LEIGH M. JOHNSON, Associate Professor

BA, University of Memphis; MA, Villanova University; PhD, The Pennsylvania State University


BA, MA, University of Montana; PhD, University of Memphis


BA, The University of the South; MDiv, PhD, Emory University


Visual & Performing Arts

SCOTT CARTER, Assistant Professor
BFA, Savannah College of Art and Design/Atlanta College of Art; MFA, School of the Art Institute of Chicago

ALAN CABALLERO LAZARE, Assistant Professor
BFA, MFA, Rutgers University

MATTHEW HAMNER, Associate Professor

BSA, Auburn University; MFA, University of Central Florida

NICHOLAS PEÑA, Associate Professor

BFA, Southern Illinois University; MFA, University of Missouri

JANA B. TRAVIS, Professor

BFA, MFA, The University of Memphis


Professors Emeriti

ELIZABETH P. BROADWELL, Literature & Languages

BA, Guilford College; MA, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

CONRAD BROMBACH, Behavioral Sciences

BA, St. Mary’s College (Winona); MEd, Loyola University (Chicago); MA, St. Louis University; EdD, University of New Orleans

MARY T. CARGILL, Literature & Languages

BA, MA, Memphis State University; PhD University of Mississippi

RENA DURR, Behavioral Sciences

BS, MA, PhD, Louisiana State University

STEPHEN E. GRICE, Literature & Languages

AB, University of Illinois, MA, PhD, University of Southern Illinois

MARGARET A. MILLER, Behavioral Sciences

BA, Carlow College; MEd, PhD, University of Pittsburgh

ELIZABETH M. NELSON, Behavioral Sciences

BA, MA, MS, PhD, Kansas State University

KRISTIN A. PRUITT, Literature & Languages

BA, Southwestern at Memphis; PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

ANN MARIE WRANOVIX, Literature & Languages

BA, Vanderbilt University; MA, PhD, Yale University


Part-Time Faculty

DOUGLAS CUPPLES, Adjunct Assistant Professor of History

BA, MA, PhD, The University of Memphis

BROTHER MICHAEL A. SCHMELZER, Assistant Professor of Education

BA, Christian Brothers College; MAT, St. Mary’s College; PhD, The Ohio State University