ACT Scores and Placement Information for First-Year Student Registration


MATH ACT score of 19 or lower student must take Math Placement test at Orientation:

  1. If score qualifies for MATH 103 or higher, student is allowed to also register for CHEM 101.
  2. If score does NOT qualify for MATH 103, student will register for ALG 115/ALG 120 combo. Once these courses are passed, they can register for CHEM 101 and MATH 103 the next semester.


ENGLISH ACT score of 19 or lower student and the English Placement test at Orientation:

  1. International students who do not speak English as their first language are required to take the English placement test at Orientation.
  2. Domestic students have the option to take the English Placement test at Orientation to see if they can place into ENG 111.



MATH ACT score of 24 or lower student and the Chemistry Placement test at Orientation:

Students have the option of taking the Chemistry Placement test at Orientation to try to place into CHEM 113/113L.

Computer Science

Declaring a Science Major

  • MATH ACT 20 or higher: student can declare any science major
  • MATH ACT 19 or lower: student must be an Unspecified Science major

Declaring the ABET Engineering Majors (Chemical, Civil, Electrical, or Mechanical)

  • MATH ACT 23 or higher OR test into MATH 107/MATH 110 or MATH 117: student can declare any ABET ENGR major
  • MATH ACT 22 or lower: student must be an Unspecified Engineering major