Requirements for Graduation

To qualify for a bachelor's degree from Christian Brothers University, a student must complete all degree requirements as outlined in the Academic Catalog, while maintaining an overall Grade Point Average of at least 2.0, as well as a minimum Grade Point Average of 2.0 in satisfaction of major requirements. The 2.0 minimum Grade Point Average is also required in each of the optional minors. Specific course requirements in major and minor fields are listed under Degree Requirements for each school. Continuously enrolled students may graduate under the catalog in effect when they enter Christian Brothers University or any subsequent catalog. Students must submit an approved “Change of Degree Program” form to the Office of the Registrar when they want to update to a more recent catalog or change their major/minor.

All students planning to receive a diploma in May or August must "Apply to Graduate" via BannerWeb no later than December 1st. Students planning to receive a diploma in December must “Apply to Graduate” by September 15th. The graduation application is located via BannerWeb – Student Services – Student Records – Apply to Graduate. The $130 graduation fee is applied at the beginning of the semester in which graduation is anticipated. This fee is applicable for one year. After this time, students who have not completed their graduation requirements will be removed from the graduation list, and they must reapply for graduation, as well as repay the fee. Those filing after the stated deadlines will be assessed a non-refundable late fee of $50.00.

Students must “Apply to Graduate” in order for a degree to be conferred. If a student has completed his/her degree requirements but failed to complete the Graduation Application, the degree will be conferred at the end of the next semester once the Graduation Application is submitted.

Graduating students have three business days after the official graduation date to remove any incomplete grades, send in any transcripts from other universities, or have a grade changed in order to be graduated for a particular graduation date. Once a student is graduated, his or her cumulative graduating GPA is locked in and no grade changes can be made. Once a student graduates and wants to come back to take courses at Christian Brothers University, he or she must go back through the appropriate admissions office and apply for re-admission.

Diplomas are mailed 2 to 4 weeks after the official graduation date. Diplomas are mailed to the address entered on the Intent to Graduate Application.

All account payments, library obligations, and all necessary exit interviews with the Business Office and/or Student Financial Aid should be completed prior to the end of the semester. No transcripts or diplomas can be sent until all debts and obligations to the University are settled.

