Long-Term Remedies/Other Actions

Long-Term Remedies/Other Actions

Following the conclusion of the resolution process, and in addition to any sanctions implemented, the Title IX Coordinator may implement additional long-term remedies or actions with respect to the parties and/or the campus community that are intended to stop the sexual harassment and/or retaliation, remedy the effects, and prevent reoccurrence. 

These remedies/actions may include, but are not limited to: 

Referral to counseling and health services
Referral to the Employee Assistance Program
Education to the individual and/or the community 
Permanent alteration of housing assignments
Permanent alteration of work arrangements for employees
Provision of campus safety escorts
Climate surveys
Procedure modification and/or training
Provision of transportation accommodations 
Implementation of long-term contact limitations between the parties
Implementation of adjustments to academic deadlines, course schedules, etc. 

At the discretion of the Title IX Coordinator, certain long-term support or measures may also be provided to the parties even if no procedure violation is found. 

When no procedure violation is found, the Title IX Coordinator will address any remedies owed by the Recipient to the Respondent to ensure no effective denial of educational access.

The Recipient will maintain the privacy of any long-term remedies/actions/measures, provided privacy does not impair the Recipient’s ability to provide these services.