2021-2022 Catalog

Health and Immunization Policy

Berkshire Community College

Practical Nurse Certificate Program

Health and Immunization Policy

Immunization Requirements: Students entering the Practical Nursing program are required to follow the immunization policy for BCC health students. Students must submit proof of compliance with immunizations by August 1st for the fall semester. The college immunization policy can be found in the BCC College Catalog. (www.berkshirecc.edu/catalog) 

Please note:  The Hep B series may take up to six months to complete. Students should plan accordingly.  Immunization information may be shared with the Dean of Nursing, Program Administrative Assistant, Nursing Data Analyst, and contracted agencies to allow for clinical experiences.


Hepatitis B


Required Immunization for Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B proof of positive titer that demonstrates immunity

If immunity is not seen, 3 series doses of Hepatitis B vaccine may be completed, or declination may be signed.


T-dap vaccine within 10 years (and every 10 years)


MMR: Proof of positive titer that demonstrates immunity.

If immunity is not seen, 2 series dose of MMR vaccine.


Varicella: Proof of positive titer that demonstrates immunity.

If immunity is not seen 2 series dose Varicella vaccine



TB: Documentation of negative T- spot or QuantiFERON bloodwork.

  • Once the initial documentation is in place, the test does not need to be repeated annually. In its place a “TB” interview form will be completed annually. If there are any affirmative answers to those questions on the form; testing will be repeated.
  • If the T- spot or QuantiFERON is older than 5 years; testing will be repeated.

If the results are from Tuberculin Skin Testing (TST) and it is greater than 1 year; testing will be repeated.

Influenza Vaccine

During regular flu season (Oct-March). Declination is only allowed if there is documented allergy or documentation for religious reasons which will be determined on a case by case basis.



1 dose; 1 dose MenACWY (formerly MCV4) required for all full-time students 21 years of age or younger. The dose of MenACWY vaccine must have been received on or after the student’s 16th birthday. Doses received at younger ages do not count towards this requirement. Students may decline MenACWY vaccine after they have read and signed the MDPH Meningococcal Information and Waiver Form provided by their institution.

Meningococcal B vaccine is not required and does not meet this requirement.

Ishihara Test

Required for all faculty and students who need to identify color for specific tests. (This will be done during clinical orientation.)

Covid Vaccine

Proof of full vaccination against Covid is required by all clinical sites before students attend clinical. This can be Pfizer, Moderna or Johnson & Johnson Vaccine.

*Note that some clinical sites may require proof of Covid booster as well.

(BCC Immunization policy developed according to MDPH Immunization Program 2021-2022 School Year and per

requirements of clinical sites)



If a student is unable to receive an immunization due to medical reasons, they must discuss a medical waiver with the Dean of Nursing and provide a doctor’s notice.  If a medical waiver is granted by the clinical facilities, documentation must be filed in the Nursing Immunization and Medical Records Office. It is also highly recommended that these students have blood testing done to show possible immunity.  Both medical exemptions and declinations must be renewed on the appropriate forms annually. If a student cannot complete clinical due to immunization requirements, then he/she/they cannot complete the course.

Drug Screening

Please be advised that students enrolled in certain programs which require clinical or fieldwork study may be required by the placement affiliate agency to undergo and pass a drug screening analysis in order to be eligible. Students who either fail to pass, or refuse to submit to a drug screening analysis will be deemed ineligible for clinical placement, which will affect their status in the program.

Verification of Student Health History and Physical Exam

In addition to the Mandatory Immunization Requirements, all students enrolled in the nursing program are required to have Verification of Student Health History and Physical Exam report completed by their health care provider by August 1st for the fall semester.

Failure to Comply

A student will not be allowed to participate in the clinical experience without all health requirements fully complete.  

Submit requirements to the Nursing Immunization and Medical Records Office located in the Hawthorne building, office #323, Berkshire Community College Main Campus.

Telephone: 413-236-4609; Fax: 800-724-9943; medicalrecords@berkshirecc.edu

Revised: PN Faculty Committee, 4/3/19, 8/6/19; Reviewed: 11/6/19; Revised: 1/17/20, 6/3/20, 11/5/20, 9/14/2021, 11/15/2021, 2/14/22