2021-2022 Catalog

Dress Code Policy

Berkshire Community College

Practical Nursing Program

Dress Code Policy



The BCC nursing uniform is required for all experiences taking place in clinical settings as well as during lab and simulation. The clinical uniform consists of:


  • Name pin
  • Standard navy scrub style pants and ceil blue shirt. The pants should be no shorter than ankle length and they should not touch the ground (this may involve the need for alterations).
  • Patch must be on left shoulder located 2 inches down from shoulder.
  • Stockings or socks.
  • Clean, white, or black shoes that are plain nursing shoes or sneakers.  (No holes or backless Crocs, sandals, boots, or clogs)
  • A white, black, or ceil blue T-shirt or ¾ length sleeve T-shirt may be worn under the required uniform top.  Sweaters, jackets, lab coats, etc. cannot be worn over the top of the uniform.


  • Stethoscope, manual BP cuff if necessary, penlight, and bandage scissors should be brought to each clinical experience. Wristwatch with a sweep second hand – required (No Smart watches)
  • Appropriate PPE as required by clinical sites (goggles, face shield, masks, etc.)
  • Students are discouraged from bringing personal items to clinical that are not necessary for performing their student duties. Any personal items that are brought into a clinical site are the sole responsibility of the student.


    Attire and Grooming


  • Hair must be clean, neat, and off the collar. Hair cannot fall in front of the shoulders while providing patient care. Mustaches, beard, and or sideburns must be neatly trimmed. 
  • No artificial nails, including but not limited to, bonding, acrylics, gels, tips, wraps, tapes or nail jewelry. Nail polish is permitted but must be freshly maintained and free from chips.
  •  No chewing gum during clinical time.
  • Perfume, cologne, or any other substance that could potentially create an offensive odor for patients or staff should not be used in the clinical site.
  • Tattoos must be covered when possible
  • Plain wedding band/engagement ring
  • Small, unobtrusive earrings may be worn; nose rings must be a stud; only one facial piercing is allowed; body piercings must be covered. Dangling or hoop earrings are not permitted. Flesh colored plugs must be placed in the ear when a gauge has been removed.  No bracelets.
  • Cell phones should not be visible or audible in the clinical setting for any reason.

Students are not permitted to wear their BCC clinical uniform outside of environments in which they are functioning as a BCC Nursing Student.

Students who do not comply with this policy will be sent home from clinical and an Academic Concern warning will be completed.

Created: PN Faculty Committee, 9/23/21; Approved: 9/27/21; Reviewed 11/8/21, 11/10/21