2021-2022 Catalog

Medical Leave Policy

Berkshire Community College
Associate Degree in Nursing Program
Medical Leave Policy

A medical leave of absence may be necessary if an extended absence from class, clinical and/or lab, for a medical reason, becomes necessary. This medical leave of absence applies to students who anticipate returning to the same semester of application of medical leave. A student who incurs a medical condition where return to the program in the same semester of application is not anticipated, would be advised to follow the College’s withdrawal policy and apply for readmission to the program following the program’s readmission policy.

An extended absence for purpose of a medical leave is one that significantly impacts the students’ ability to successfully meet course objectives in a timely manner. It is possible for students to run out of time in the semester to successfully complete the course outcomes. It is recommended that an expected absence from a combination of class, clinical and /or lab be the determination for applying for a medical leave of absence. Students are responsible for missed class and lab content and for clinical days missed.

Process for applying for medical leave

  • Contact the Dean of Nursing, via email, attaching the completed Request for Medical Leave of Absence form as soon as possible medical leave is anticipated.
  • Health care Provider’s documentation supporting a medical leave, must be attached. Provider’s documentation is not required if leave is due to DPH mandated isolation.
  • Application for medical leave does not guarantee return to the program after the medical leave but allows for consideration for return to the program after medical leave.
  • The Dean will respond, via email, within two business days with the determination regarding the granting of the leave of absence. Granting the leave of absence does not guarantee success in the program once returning from medical leave but is an opportunity to be successful.
  • The criteria for granting a medical leave of absence is:
    • timeliness of application for the request,
    • anticipated length of time of absence as determined by health care provider,
    • students’ record of overall time missed from class, clinical, and /or lab to date; and
    • the faculty’s ability to accommodate the student’s learning needs related to the content missed from the medical leave of absence.
  • Students returning from an approved medical leave due to a positive Covid test will be required to submit part B of the medical leave paperwork stating that they have followed the directives of DPH and are symptom free. Health care provider documentation is only required for students who are unable to return to the program at the completion of their isolation due to unresolved symptoms.
  • Students returning to the program following a granted medical leave of absence are required to submit an updated Verification of Student Health History & Physical Exam form completed by their health care provider. In addition, students need to be current with all other admission requirements for the program e.g. immunizations & CPR.

Revised: ADN Faculty Committee, 5/22/19, 8/6/19; Reviewed: 12/9/19, 12/2/20, revised 11/23/2021, 02/09/22