Any study of environmental concerns in Fl necessitates a review of water pollution problems. The oceans, inlets, rivers, lakes, ponds, wetlands, other surface waters and ground waters of our State are subject to constant threat of contamination. Many of these bodies of water are already heavily contaminated and the struggle continues to remediate extensive damage. As part of a course of study under the Environmental Law, Jurisprudence and Justice Certificate Program, Water Law: Pollution, will examine the federal and State laws designed to prevent and remediate water pollution, penalize the polluter(s)and establish financial mechanisms to fund remediation. This course will include review of numerous water pollution regulations with a focus on the federal Clean Water Act, the Fl Water Resources Act, and the Fl Air and Water Pollution Act. Review of these laws will include their statutory framework, implementing rules, and significant case law. A portion of the class will also be devoted to common law torts and nuisance laws which may be used to remedy water pollution. The course will also examine ethical considerations surrounding the damage to private and public interests through misuse of water resources as well as damage to the ecological integrity of the water itself.



