The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

MECE 4317 Introduction to Corrosion

The course will introduce students to the basic principles behind the corrosion of metals, the results of corrosive action and the methods for corrosion prevention, control and experimentation. The fundamentals of thermodynamics and electrochemistry will be used to describe destructive chemical interactions of materials with their environment. The effects of various types of corrosion will be presented and the importance of corrosion problems will be addressed in relation to material cost, reliability, reduced performance and impact on the environment. Examples of corrosion in water, soils, and in various atmospheres will be used to introduce the prevention techniques and control measures such as alloy selection, cathodic protection, protective coatings and inhibitors.




A grade of 'C' or better in MECE 2340.

Schedule Type


Grading Basis

Standard Letter (A-F)

Administrative Unit

Mechanical Engineering


As scheduled