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> ACCT - Accounting
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2019-2020 Addendum
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Graduate Academic Programs
ACCT - Accounting
ANTH - Anthropology
ARTS - Arts
BADM - Business Administration
BILC - Bilingual Studies
BIOL - Biology
BLAW - Business Law
CHEM - Chemistry
CIVE - Civil Engineering
CLAS - Liberal Arts Studies
CLSC - Clinical Laboratory Sci
COMD - Communication Disorders
COMM - Communications
COUN - Counseling
CRIJ - Criminal Justice
CSCI - Computer Science
ECED - Early Childhood Education
ECON - Economics
EDBE - EducationBilingual Ed
EDCI - EdC and Elem and Sec
EDFR - Educ Foundations Research
EDLR - Educational Leadership
EDRE - Education Research
EDSL - English as Second Lang
EDSS - Education Social Studies
EDTC - Educational Technology
EDUL - Educational Leadership
ELEE - Electrical Engineering
ENGL - English
ENTR - Entrepreneurship
ENVR - Environmental Sciences
EPSY - Educational Psychology
FINA - Finance
GEOL - Geology
HIED - Higher Education
HIST - History
HRPT - Health Related Programs
HSCI - Health Science
HSIN - Health Sci Informatics
INFS - Information Systems
INTB - International Business
INTG - Interpreting
INTM - Internal Medicine
IPCP - Interprof Collab Practice
KINE - Kinesiology
MANE - Manufacturing Engineering
MARK - Marketing
MARS - Marine Science
MASC - Mexican American Studies
MATE - Mathematics Education
MATH - Math
MBAI - MBA Internship
MECE - Mechanical Engineering
MGMT - Management
MUAP - Music Applied
MUEN - Music Ensemble
MUSI - Music
Narrative Courses
NURS - Nursing
NUTR - Nutrition
OCCT - Occupational Therapy Pgm
PAFF - Public Affairs
PHAS - Physician Assistant Pgm
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYS - Physics
POLS - Political Science
PSCI - Physical Science
PSYC - Psychology
QUMT - Quantitative Methods
REHS - Rehabilitative Services
RLIT - Reading and Literacy
SOCI - Sociology
SOCW - Social Work
SPAN - Spanish
THTF - Theatre
TRSP - Spanish Translation
UNIV - University College
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ACCT - Accounting
ACCT 6301
Accounting for Managers
ACCT 6305
Healthcare Accounting
ACCT 6310
ACCT 6320
Accounting and Financial Analysis
ACCT 6321
Advanced Accounting
ACCT 6322
Special Topics in Accounting
ACCT 6323
Accounting Seminar
ACCT 6325
Accounting for Management Planning and Control
ACCT 6328
Tax Topics
ACCT 6329
Corporate and Partnership Taxation
ACCT 6330
International Taxation
ACCT 6331
Financial Accounting Theory
ACCT 6333
Business Law for Accountants
ACCT 6340
Managerial Accounting
ACCT 6341
Accounting Research and Communication
ACCT 6345
Business Restructuring
ACCT 6350
Information Technology for Accounting and Control
ACCT 6360
Tax Research and Communication
ACCT 6362
Wealth, Transfers, Trusts and Estates
ACCT 6363
Fraud Examination
ACCT 6365
Business Analysis and Valuation
ACCT 6370
Internal Auditing
ACCT 6375
Financial Statement Analysis
ACCT 6380
Professional Ethics
ACCT 6385
Global Accounting Regulation
ACCT 6392
Advanced Financial Reporting
ACCT 8309
Accounting Research Paradigms
ACCT 8310
Capital Market Research in Accounting
ACCT 8320
Contemporary Issues in Accounting Research
ACCT 8322
Scholarship Seminar
ACCT 8330
Accounting and Corporate Governance
ACCT 8340
Auditing Research
ACCT 8350
Accounting Theory - An Information Content Perspective