Incomplete Grade Policy

The mark “I” is assigned to a student who has been in attendance and has done satisfactory work within three weeks of the close of the semester, and whose work is incomplete for reasons acceptable to the instructor. An incomplete grade should be for extenuating circumstances only. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate the incomplete process. The student must get an incomplete card from Student Services and then negotiate the incomplete with the instructor. If the instructor allows the student to receive an incomplete, the instructor then returns the card to the Registrar when final grades are submitted.

Under extenuating circumstance such as those stated, an instructor may submit an incomplete card on behalf of the student. The following circumstances are considered extenuating:

  • Student is hospitalized or under a doctor’s orders to stay home and is unable to get to the College to fill out the form.
  • The student is incarcerated.
  • There is a death in the immediate family, defined in the TMCC personnel policy manual.

When the instructor submits the “I” grade, they also submit a letter grade, which reflects the student’s progress to that point. In the next semester of residence (and before one calendar year), the student must fulfill the course requirements. The incomplete work must be completed by the end of the third week in order to receive a grade other than the one that was submitted with the “I.” The three-week stipulation does not apply to the summer session. At the end of one calendar year, and if the student has not re-enrolled, the “I” will automatically be changed to the letter grade submitted by the instructor. Students are not notified when incomplete grades are changed.